šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

The Colossal Mawrat finally dropped from Iska ion ZM.

Not something Iā€™ll use much, but it is kind of cool and I wanted it.


Been trying out the added controller support.
Hella sexy I gotta say.
Default binds are bit messy and backwards but fixable with some console commands.
10/10 tossed my keyboard in the trash

Getting to do Naxx10 in Classic, Iā€™m one step away from the Champion of Frozen Wastes title.

Joined for the last 2 bosses and won the tier token from Kelthuzad which is nice - unfortunately, lost the roll on his spellblade. But at least Iā€™m full 200 now! :pray:


Tried to join a normal raid group (mainly for a couple of early kills). Got invited to a community raid 11 bosses later Jailer down (just one wipe - we got imposter phase wrong first time).

Nice pugs do exist it seems. (Two more of those and I might get my jelly cat in the end.)


It looks like the character limit is going up to 60 in prepatch.


Really, wowā€¦ I vowed to drop my altoholicism this is not helpful.

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iā€™ve been making my talent trees on wowhead for my characters so in pre patch i can try out all different builds :smile:


Yeah, it is funny to make several trees
My only grief is that level 70 requiremnt for the max
My memorie failed me, the prepatch comes with the incrased level 70 cap too?

No, you can only level to 70 in the dragon isles.


Dragonflight right around the corner where the dragons return and we have literal dragonkin allies living among us.

Meanwhile in Stormwind: Field Marshal Stonebridge doing /y ā€œREVEL IN THE RALLYING CRY OF THE DRAGON SLAYER!ā€ every 15 minutes because someone did the nefarianā€™s head quest.



one thing whats good now that coven ablities goes away is calsses luusing gap closer abilities will be alot easyer to kite enemy players now :stuck_out_tongue:

I found this Legion trailer. It makes me nostalgic since I used to see it a lot on Twitch (before I even started playing).

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Tower Ranger and Phantatical both done. 250,000 Phantasma collectedā€¦oof.

Just need those last two shoulders to dropā€¦


Today of all days, I got the Nightbane mount.


Got my Insane title an hourish before prepatch maintenance and oh my gawd, what a journey on my mental health.
Started with my rogue and got far before i noticed my darkmoon faire rep was exalted on this this dk. So i had to start over but im finally done.
Now one of my demon hunter alts can call himself ā€œDrphillidan the insaneā€ :smiley:


Pleasantly surprised EU had such a nice and hassle free patch day. :blush:


so its confirmed that the insane title must be achieved just on 1 char? not splitted?

Will take some getting used to but using the new default UI (with a couple of other addons)and my load times have improved significantly. :smiley:


Iā€™m so happy ElvUI still works flawlessly. Just make sure to update the addon before starting the game!

I first tried to give the new WoW UI a chance, but after enabling all 8 action bars I saw the three non-default ones where cleared. Also it didnā€™t help that we now got a reputation bar stuck in the bottom of the screen, taking up valuable action bar space.
Rather than spending the day trying to add and rescale everything to imitate my ElvUI setup, I simply re-enabled the addon.