šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Still no Zperl on sight but took a closer look at Shadow as a spec to use till that addon finally gets an update.

For one, Blizz listened to my idea and made Mind Sear an actual aoe spender instead of Searing Nightmare - canā€™t use it too often, but it deals a ton of uncapped aoe damage even with relatively few casts.

And for two Mind Control is available as Dominate Mind - itā€™s only 30 secs long, granted, but at least has the same CD so I should be able to keep the same mob permanently charmed.

Unfortunately the enemy I picked during an Iron Docks run wasnā€™t the best candidate, and it didnā€™t appear to scale well, so wasnā€™t hitting for that much. :cry: Probably the fact it was a +3 only - donā€™t really plan on high keys as I donā€™t feel like it and I have to get used to the new specs :sweat_smile:

Anyways, Shadow feels much better to play than it did in SL - I just dreaded to even use the spec after a while into the expansion.

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Looking frantically if I could see marked for death and I thought it had been removed and I couldnā€™t see it in the patch notes and I was sad. Then I noticed it was had been moved down and across. It is essential for the way I like to use rogues. So I more than smiled when I found it.

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I might be wrong, and for once just was in the game at the time when that specific loop was played, but I just logged into retail wow to see those changes everyone is talking about, and I think I heard some new music in Orgrimmar and I think that music fitted so well in there :blush:

Never too old to learn apparentlyā€¦I read about mouseover healing in some other topic hereā€¦decided to try itā€¦and god itā€™s so much easier! Iā€™ve been healing the vanilla clicky way without addons all these years lol!

hey, thats how I roll!! :wink:

Got a puzzling dinar coin today and went to investigate what I could get with it. Obviously I dont care about gear this late in the expansion but transmog?..
different matter! I now have the lovely Sylvanas quiver I never would of gotten otherwise. /happypanda


The rommath joke voicelines, I love how petty he is

I fished up a Shard of Darkness for a paladin on a new server after only 29 casts. W00t!


My trinket literally carries me in any healing spec :rofl:

And I became a cubeface it seemsā€¦

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I have got a kang the decapitator two handed axe dropping when i was doing a session of grind and collect on my season of mastery femal troll enhancement shaman ! :smiley:

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I digged up a long-deleted lvl50 warlock toon to give the new leveling a try and so far liking it :slightly_smiling_face:

Thereā€™s one downside - loot outside SL is a lower ilvl beyond 50. I hope it will get fixed as it ā€œsoft-forcesā€ you to do SL (as youā€™d be much weaker when questing - not sure what happens with dungeons however, that is if they too are affected).

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my alliance rogue what is a gnome has a item named Letter from Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yes my gnome serve Sylvanas :rofl:


Tried MM in M+ (a spec I havenā€™t played for a good year at least) and it rocks with wailing arrow and explosive shot.

And I had my first ever wipeless Kara as well during this run. But only because Shade couldnā€™t get the Meme Wreath cast off. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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My poor dwarf paladin, she is creaking along in heirlooms atm. Been dragging my feet going into SL.

I donā€™t mind the covenants as such, (Looking forward to getitng the Ardenweald plate set), but some of the mobs gang up and hit like trucks :weary:

I am not super stoked to circle Zereth Mortis for the umpteenth timeā€¦

BFA zones drops ilvl 200 loot when phase 2 prepatch hits live !!
no info what ilvl heart of azzoroth will be at level 60 yet :frowning:

Legacies chapter 2!

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Kitiaara gifting me a toy via mail. Was a very pleasant surprise that made my day today as I logged in at 11 AM.

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:thinking: I donā€™t wanna say slightly sus, but itā€™s slightly sus

You think dirty, lad. Not good.

Glad you liked it :two_hearts:

You are just jealous :roll_eyes:

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I did indeed. Every word said was true.

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