🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Dirty is my favorite color!

The Grrloc mount! might be my favourite mount ever*, I know where it comes from and Blizzard have made my day giving it to us as a mount :heart_eyes: I adore it’s animations too.

*not including the headless horseman mount for reasons everyone knows


What was it if I may ask? :smile:

JewelCraft toy.

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in dragonflight the tru endgame will be PVP thats why pvp gear is ilvl 425 and M+ gear only ilvl 405 … finerly can just focus on PVP no more forced Pve content …

All 5 of my toons got an upgrade from the vault, including a 304 ilvl cloak with a speed proc on fire dmg taken :smile:

On the downside, still no belt, and 3 of my alts got a Kara key…

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Don’t worry
The time you got that geat piece, the DF starter green one wil be better :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Have some felweed… and smile! :herb:


This :arrow_up_small:

Was it pink and slightly phallic shaped?? Might be showing her intentions there…

You are dirtier in your thinking than some of the people doing ERP in Goldshire on Argent Dawn.

And no, it was…

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Yeah, we are all sure that pink and slightly phallic shaped gift is some sort of a JewelCraft toy. :shushing_face:

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I could make a comment about recrafting a ‘ring’ but i would get banned…

Probably yes :sweat_smile:

Talking gear, I just took part in a fairly quick raid hosted by Alýsea’s guild (she inved me to tag along, was a fated HC nathria) and saw a 291 belt, but that’s what I already have so just passed on it. I grabbed the offhand token instead, in case I see a 304 weapon in the vault.

She also showed me my parses and this is what I got for my first time with a brand new skill setup I just tried as shadow:


I had an early death on Xymox because I was greedy on DPS (which is why I prefer to heal tbh, no overfocusing my job and forgetting to do tactics) but everything else is more than okay :sweat_smile:


I tweaked my talents and got the Dimentional Rift which was my favourite legion feature for warlocks :slight_smile:

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have to rember to do prepatch event on all level 20 pvp twinks :rofl:
will be intresting if the gear will be better then titanforged legion prepatch gear …

The wow story thing on twitter

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I love browsing the AH looking for the next bargain I can purchase for my characters.
Today I got a nice mail wrist ILV 111 Haste/Mastery. I had 4 Hunters and 1 Shaman that could had equipped that wrist gear.
In the end it ended up going to my Orc Hunter as she already had a nice ILV 113 Polearm. SV Hunters use Haste/Mastery.



Wowhead Rickroll LOL

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Helped a friend do their first Emerald Nightmare!

https:// prnt .sc/UdqkDXb9-LDC

