🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Invincible dropped


I was able to finally transfer my enhancement troll female shaman from season of mastery to wotlk classic nethergarde-keep.

It is a char i did talking with you over the time on the forum and with the revamped /chnaged talent in wotk classic it just play even more amazing also firsy quests session i did an epic dazzling longsword dropped .

I love my trolless toon and i am glad i din’t give up on her , i went to the barber and did a pink mohawk and last but not least it seems the ignore capacity as been improved on the forum and so i am able to read even more pollution free got a few more flushed ! :laughing:


i had to buy my main bliz account DF aswell i bet meny belived this was my main account ?
Jokes on u then :rofl:

everyone died duing Roh-kalo and he had 100k left, but i was alive thank to necrolord and i killed it alone!!


i could solo any contnet in wow if they still allowed multiboxing …

Were you a tank?

Fury warrior DPS!
the boss reatched 100% power on 3rd phase of runes and everyone died, then i heroic leap, used all my CDs in 1 macro, and Exectuted the boss for 70k :crossed_swords:
it was a combo of Banner, Avatar and the Fury CD i don’t remember the name -_-


I don’t know how she did it, but my daughter’s blood elf death knight managed to get killed by a training dummy… :laughing:


Some training dummies are there for tanks, and so they do damage to you :smile:


I sympathise with your daughter. I tend to do really dumb things that generally end up with me being dead … though I have to say I’ve not been killed by a training dummy. Yet.

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Same here, I didn’t realise it was possible, neither did she.

Still, it gives me some return fire for when she comments about the number of times I have fell off mountains while using a ground mount thinking it was a flying one…

I had no idea lol.

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Yes, but irl.

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The whole Suramar story
No matter how many times I do it, it is always awesome


me too

My warlock will almost finish Thalyssra´s entire story to make home in the Nighthold (non-instanced)

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Someone sharing this addon


Looks even better than the weak aura that gives them colour.


I guess you could use this in that case!


I must have a guardian angel. Especially on the motorway. I love to drive really fast so much :racing_car: :sweat_smile:

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got alot of loot on my alts from doomwalker!


Nice, I shall be yoinking that lol was using the Colour weakaura too but this is exactly what I was after, ta!

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Alliance won Korrak with almost no arguments!!