šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Ive finally used a keybind! :scream_cat:
Been playing this game since early Vanilla and never got the hang of them before but then I decided I did actually want to try for gold on the dragon racing.
Much easier to ā€˜get gudā€™ at this now Im not clicking on everything!


It was a nice little TW week
Leveled up a few of my alts
Geared them up via TW; 360+ is enough for a LFR (or to be honest M0/M2+)
But since Iā€™m a dirty casual, LFR level is more than enough for me to enjoy the content
Anyhow, lot of people said, TW is too easy now (so I guess Legion TW will be an overtuned nightmareā€¦ again) but I didnā€™t mind the easy mode; had a tons of fun, lots of laughts and met a quite a number of awesome poeple during these pug runs
Yep, this was a good week (I know it is not over yet)

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done all Mythic dungeon of DF. Its a good thing since in SL i never did it (miss 2 if i recall well)


Ran a lot of M+ on my warlock. Not really high keys but enough to stack the vault and it was actually quite fun and totally smooth all week. Frist time Iā€™ve really wanted to do it in around a year. Also, demonology damage in M+ always makes me happy.


Finally got multiple decent drops for my classic tankadin as they refused to drop yesterday, including a BoE I would have had to buy for 150g on AH, and also a good belt for heal spec :pray:

Now all I need is the stratholme shield to drop, and then I can worry about getting an epic helm and boots from Blacksmithing.


With the wedding dress being transmogable soon and the flower crown I will hopefully collect in Lunar festival, I will finally get the corpse bride look. A perfect birthday present.

Corpse bride was always my favorite Tim Burton movie, which I will hopefully rewatch on my birthday too.



My tankadin got a really good deal - 450g for a valor bracer of my choice so I got a good tankybracer for less than half the AH price :3

(Those BoEs generally go for 1k, or even above.)


a locked jewel box dropped for me today which needed a level 60 engineering key to open. Made one of the jewelcrafting keys from way back when on the offchance and it worked!


After a slow start getting Tuskarr to Level 30. Dragonscale is 24 and almost there too.

Right now time to see if I can get my crafted gear over 400!


Yesterday I got a blue crown with plate version and for death knight I became the new Lich King


Are You Kitten Me WQ finally fixed - at least it worked for me last night


Iā€™ve just started a gnome warlock (not the one in my avatar thats from classic a new one in retail) itā€™s level 40 and Iā€™m really enjoying it and excited to get it to max, so happy from that :smiley:

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Finally bought my snail mount with magmote!!


Not one for dungeons anymore and was mortified when the campaign wanted me to pop into Halls of Infusion, I refused but when I then saw that I would need to pop in the same dungeon to get the spark plucked up courage and queued - hoping one time in to get both quests sorted.

5 minutes later in the dungeon with 4 strangers, they never spoke at all, even though I did declare straight away 1st time in there - they knew where to go and I followed, doing my bit and honestly less than 20 minutes later done!

Quite happy now :+1:


Yay another mount - Otto
ā€¦ what started as fishing for awhile, getting a gold coin, to getting some glasses, to following a quest line including some more fishing to this :grinning::+1:


My main got a weapon drop in LFR today!:grin:

She is a hunter and it was a dagger soā€¦



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At long last, Iā€™m crit immuneā€¦ canā€™t believe how long it takes to scrap together 689 def rating and I literally had to ench and gem for it :ā€™)