🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Leveled a few nelfs to 60. Now I can do the Night Fae campaign.

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Eek! After getting Otto yesterday, saw in the notes about Spyragos pet!!!

Being a huge Spyro fan at the time, had to so go and check this out and an hour later got a little Spyro :grin:


Obtained the Magmashell mount :+1:
It was fun figuring out how to survive the lava as a Disc Priest.

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Listening to Alleria’s old voice made me lol

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There is a really good guide just went up on youtube about how to skip all the trash in Stratholme and get right to Rivendare. It’s DH only though.

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Gal’darah finally gave in and parted with this glove, sort of finishing my tankadin’s gearup! Took him quite a few tries… at least 6 I think.

Also reached 420 JC finally and can make meta gems. :pinched_fingers:

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Well, after a decently long break i decided to try playing again and thought why not help a bunch of people? You likely heard of the supposed level boost happening at the cobalt assembly. Well, I’m happy to confirm that it works quite well :grin: Helped a bunch of strangers get like 5 levels within an hour or two and a demon hunter decided to make my evening and send some sweet messages my way, thanking, complimenting me and offering to return the favor in some way.

Overall I’d say an awesome way to return


Welcome back!

The Lunar festival is arriving and I recommend joining the RP events it’s a lot of fun!

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Good morning!

Welcome back!

Side note: still char-locked!


Argent dawn rp events you mean? Also I’m totally not used to you genderswapping :grin:

Also thanks for the welcome. I was still here, lurking. Just had no idea what to do in wow for a while so i decided to binge other games during my free time.

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They were a guy mainly, up till like 2 weeks ago.

I’m not even sure if Anizah is a he or a she. I guess the former?

Mhm, that one handsome forum character :grin: had a pretty original mog too.


Like the character limit in the forums or? I’m kinda out of the loop

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They just cannot swap alts, like it won’t load… sort of :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Unlocked the Tuskarr tacklesboxes…
…and they are insane
They are everywhere
One or two fish and a few junk; first I though, okay, this is not that cool
But then realized, those grey junk sells for good money!
Spent a half hour to cleaer out the boxes on the riverside in Ohn’ahran Plains and ended up a neat little 5K worth of trash and a few copper coins and a handfull of fishes
Not bad pocket money for casuals I must say

I have many transmog farming ahead of me :sob:

this video gave me ideas

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I think i can post gifs now ??


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