🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I think you can do it through work order
They’re still sitting in my bank at the moment

maybe if work orders were across all servers like the ah. But on my low pop server? i doubt i will find someone to craft them

Just dropped for one of my Rogues questing in Dragonblight.


I need some map in most zones still but I think I did get the ruby one

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Just saw through Puny’s portrait here that the new mog finally shows in the armory \o/


Cant seem to find a pants that matches the shirt. But overall im happy with my Alliance hunter’s future look

if anyone has suggestions im all ears


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My blue bunny mount.

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today i got to 25 renown with DSE and the first bag i open has the mount! :joy:

the mount gives me for some reason Pandaria vibes


That looks so good!

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ty again for telling me how to get the mount puny!


After around a whole week of continuous camping and alarms
i managed to get a SELFIE with mister Eldoren the Reborn !
spawned today at 7pm ST


Is that a new version of a rampant rabbit?? :rofl::rofl:


I got a glimpse of the new HC+ mode for Wrath.

There’s an extra epic loot dropping from 10 man difficulty, ilvl 200. (Probably 213 from Kelthuzad or Sartharion.)

Mobs get 30% extra dmg, double HP and summon mirror images, that work like totems and are easily oneshot. (Explosive affix comes to mind here, but not so deadly. Thank god!)

Regardless, I lost the roll on the only raid epic drop… :frowning:

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I have to add that Dragon riding and collecting them glyphs is insane fun and I very much hope that this kind of gameplay becomes standard and is not resigned to “old content”.

I haven’t had this much fun since enduring my exulsion in WSG.

I got mythic Castle Nathria pants for my monk after making transmog runs on my DH and two monks.
Now I can finally regret not maining a leather character.


Nefarian just dropped [Pattern: Bottomless Bag], my Tailor will be pleased. :slight_smile:


Finally being brave enough to box my Mage, Priest and Hunter in Warmode… the 25% xp is tasty and I only died once in Stormwind while afk.

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Is it easy enough to do still with all the rules in place for boxing. I wanted to try again but it put me off.

It’s different and like all new things you get used to it. This guy explains it

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