šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)


Thank you for the link :slight_smile:

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Today was a great day - I finally got into a Naxx10 group (which now rewards the gear from 25 man), and got a grand total of 7 upgrades, as well as 12 items to disench - more than half the loot went straight to me.

2 of those I won with a roll of 100ā€¦ letā€™s just say, I sold my soul to the devil for this crazy burst of luck.

To be honest I was competing with a mageā€¦ fresh out of leveling. He got a ton of items too, twice because Iā€™d pass on them because of the win chain.

And the cherry on top - despite having next to no hit rating and constantly missing because of it, I was 1st or 2nd best dps on almost every fight. :joy::joy:


There was one little public Blacksmith order on the list - I donā€™t know it was a mistake or not- but it was surprising and very plesant to see (and to complate it before someone elese noticed) these things exist!
+1 skillpoint closer to the 100 :grin:


Wow, that raid felt like it wasā€¦ r-r-rewarding?
How does it feel??

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It felt totally like winning, but then we were lucky on the armor types for one, and for two, the fact I was only competing with one other guy.

And of course, the crystals are handy for enchants, I could make a killing from selling even Crusader, let alone Mongoose (which I was also super lucky with!) or high level Wrath enchs.

All of them sell for a hefty penny at all levels.

Finally! Iā€™ve Obtained the Divine Kiss Of Ohnā€™Arah Mount!


I did some pugs with my druid and got no luck, not a single piece of loot, did 4 mythic dungeons and no gear either, it didnā€™t felt really good.
I used to play on a wow private server and i remember getting 3/4 pieces of gear in classic Naxx, it felt really nice.
I might just do PVE in wrath and pvp in retail.

Always a pleasure to run into others in game


Which is why I donā€™t even bother with retail pve.

Too much effort and headaches, too little reward for beating the bosses loot pinatas.

The bad thing about Wrath is that everything is handled with group loot/rolls, but in 5 mans you wonā€™t have that huge a competence and you can buy gear for certain slots.

Say, Iā€™m about to get a 2nd 213 ilvl ring from valor, and can bypass another 60 emblems to get a nice wrist of the same power from the AH - 500 to 1000 gold takes much shorter to get. After that, Iā€™d only need a shoulder to be in full epics, and I can get one from UP HC+ with ease.

Well, this

and the ability to mog other white and grey items this week. It might be a minor change for many players, but for role players itā€™s just epic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Today, I was moving my level 60, Pandaren Monk, to the Dragon islands. When I realized this was going to be the last time, I would be experiencing the introduction quest to DF, as heā€™s the 25th character and last in the line. I turned on the sound, music and started to take screenshots.

Funny fact, normally I have the graphics set to 1, because I donā€™t want to overheat the :computer:. But I set them to 5 in the quest near the embassy, where your character is on a flying platform and your objectives is to look through a periscope 3 times. I never got to see what was there because the graphics were on 1. Not today :smile:



Impressive :smiley:

i saw a NPC that had an interesting transmog in moonglade, i almost assumed it was a player. after researching its based on a artist that does wow art and other things.

it must be a big honor to have a NPC of yourself in the game. Im happy for him/her.


i know its simple, but it made me smile. had i not been curious, i would have not known it was based on someone in real life.


That void scytheā€¦


I might be a bit late but I found out that the old white starting gear is being added to vendors.


Iā€™m very excited about the pandaren weapons finally coming in :smiley:

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Pretty Vooooidy

Soo, it wasnā€™t today technically, but got renown 20 with a faction and unlocked the civilian clothing and itā€™s super cute.

Also got to a level of renown with the expedition that unlocked the climbing world quests and the cataloguing ones: especially the cataloguing world questsā€™ unlock had some silly interactions that I loved. Iā€™m honestly really happy with the unlock quests for content that teach you the new thing. Honestly I just canā€™t get over the fact that the expansion is so much more lighthearted. Need more of it