🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

ofc it will not :rofl: another to add to ignore :rofl:

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Such a cute little zone, we need more like it i agree.


I discovered there are reverse races this patch. I know what my goal is for the time being.

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With white mogs being obtainable I’ve been busy trying to get them… and I found a nice mail set too for my hunter!

How ironic it is that a simple white set from the starting area totally trumps 9 other expansions’ worth of transmogs combined! :rofl: And I have a green version of it as well that I use.


They put a no mount zone around the soup pot in Iskaara!!


finally got all 4 flower crowns.

One thing i appreciate from the experience is that it made me travel to many different places around azeroth. and i found the beautiful zone of Twilight Highlands as a result.

the old zones is what i love about wow :smile:

another thing that made me smile is white transmogs


Me too

Blue one is my favourite

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Not to mention, the quest giver gives weekly without waiting the first task!

I still had a part finished task from last week :joy: I’d just caught the end of one and got two tasks then completely forgot to log back in that char to complete it :woman_facepalming:

I did get graals veneration recipe though so is all ok :laughing:


Elder, finally. now i miss just lovefool

Disc Priest buffs!
Having lots of fun with white mogs.
Happy times!

THEY LISTENED! They reduced the CD on the Tents and made them so that they place where you are in the direction you are facing!!

Nope - they HEARD!! Big difference, i bet some of the tryhards whined about it so it got changed /sarcasm

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This change at least is super welcome for the RP!

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Just be happy!

Had a nice roleplay in Moonglade tonight.

My character met a total of 6 characters: 2 bronze dragonflights, 1 pandaren, 1 Kul tiran, 1 ancient tree thing, and a night elf warden.

Also the Kul tiran apparently ate some spicy pandaren curry and started farting and leaving a trail of Fire. i laughed so hard.

this is why i joined RP

cheers :clinking_glasses:

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It’s early days but the latest improved settings might actually be helping a bit with the motion sickness. I need to experiment more with flying and see how it goes.

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They added a new option for your Dragonriding mount to have no Saddle!


I did the Harold Lane questline (aka the Dehta questchain) on my mage and… while he did manage to kill me, he couldn’t do so without it costing him his life. My last spell was midflight when he struck the killing blow.

I feel like this doggo here… :smiling_imp:

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