🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

hey!! this exact thing happened to me yesterday. :grin: Except I was farming anima coz I hate that there are all those transmogs in SL that I never got.
Also popped into Torghast and picked up 3 new pets and a back piece (2 pets were doubles but I got the little gilded dude too who is adorbs!).

Now having alot of fun roaming the worlds finding new white transmogs from various vendors. So much fun when you can buy the cosmetic ones for a couple of silver,

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Yesterday I asked a friend if he wanted to do keys on alts. Was really fun and then we went for HoV 20 on mains.
One more portal.

I got Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest on my Evoker today.


I logged in to my long-abandoned bank alt (I started a guild for all my alts years ago, use the guild vault of that instead), and found a bunch of cool white-quality items i could now register for transmog, the tuxedo, silver-tipped cane, mutton 1H-maces, i kept them years ago, just in case…

Also got the second neck required for the trader’s ottuk from the reward chest for the timewalker quest, it’s a very cute mount, and also useful for that “Pesky ottuks”-quest, since it swims at increased speed. (The neck was a tad better than what i have, but loot is temporary, cool mounts are forever!)


met another WoW youtuber/Streamer casually!

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One of the renown’s means I can see washed up tuskaar boxes around the sea shore, and now find it quite relaxing to fly around the whole DF island picking them up - ok it’s not fab loot but it gives me a small break and helps me practice my flying skills :+1:

I logged into a little used alt that I rarely use outside of mount farming seasonal events and found some forgotten whites in the bags that had converted to cosmetics so I now have a bloodsail pirate mog with no effort due to my in game hoarder habits :laughing:

And they laughed at us!!


Got my final portal today thanks to two friends. I’m done with all portals this season.

Don’t know if it’s just me but there’s something going on with my character’s profile picture and, to be honest, I think I looks better than before.


Graaats! Also about the portrait: looks like it’s happening to all blood elves. It’s like a line or something is missing.

Aaanyways. A fren was reeeeally not having fun with the tank mage tower challenge so I thought I’d log on wow and try to remember the encounter and help in whatever way I can. Well, they ragequit and went to bed for a round 2 tomorrow. I kept on going for a few hours and had some fun playing around with builds
Meet the cute felbear!


Just don’t growl at me with it.


Recently I have found a lot to smile about, I joined an RP guild which is fabulous, and every Friday since I have found a new love, passion and interest for the game, the world, and the people. YES!!, even you brightly coloured people racing past have become a source of delight.

Because now you have stories, your creativity begs to be observed, documented and complimented. In your stories, in your appearance. I have spent the brunt of this month not just playing, but writing, painting, CREATING…

It’s been fabulous, thank you Blizzard, thank you Lore and Order but also thank you to my fellow AD residents. Those that spend the time, that create, that choose to populate this world with colour. YOU are awesome, and you make ME smile!


Decided, hell, why not, will level my DH with Time Walking
…and after more than a decade?
The Inifinite Timereaver finally droppet
Screamed like a little girl, not ashamed to admit


Grats!! And also nothing wrong with doing that :smile:

Honestly the whole thing is awesome to hear. And I so love seeing people being excited about things so count this as a reason to smile today :grin:

Hope you keep having as much of an awesome time!


Challenge accepted. I’ll don some dull dark clothing and slowly walk past you backwards.


Marmar, you amazing person you!!
Lets meet by moonlight in a tavern, drink mead and share stories of our daring endeavours!!!

I’ll be honest I took a beating this Friday, I got so many low rolls and a ruddy natural 1, a natural 1, I ask you!!

Thanks so much, it’s been awesome, I even painted a character portrait, and interested parties can now find me on Argent Archives, indeed if it carries on I am thinking of building my own website to house my stuff!! :slight_smile:


Feel like I have taken full advantage of fortified week, completing something like 12x M+ on each of 2 characters. My evoker can now put in a crafting order for a 418 staff, a solid +20 ilvls on that piece, and both it and this monk now have 415-418 in 3 vault slots.

It’s been rather manic and I suspect reset day will duck me in the caboose on at least one character, but stocking up on primal crafting thingies feels good. I am pleased with this and won’t feel too guilty about doing 2x4 dungeons next week because tyrannical is horrible as a healer :joy_cat:

…if only sparks actually dropped it would all make sense!

Got my final dragonflying glyph thanks to a very kind friend who gave me a lift almost to the top of the mountain. I spent several hours a couple of weekends ago trying to get to the top, but my flying skills weren’t good enough.


Grats :smile: I bet it was the one at the top of Thaldraszus!


Myself, did a couple TWs with Souly, and we both got a nice upgrade out of it (my pally getting a chest piece, and him a pair of boots), but did a WQ beforehand for a new shoulder, that dropped a rare enchanting illusion recipe in the meantime.

I really hope it does sell for 20k!

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A guy called “Rat” on Argent Dawn marching with an army of rats through the city gardens of Stormwind…

I was so stunned at first to see that while all the people around were in RP xd


The new forum profile pictures are starting to scare me, I’ve seen a lot of stuff in this game, but pink Draenei is something new.

And the blood elves look like they got their skins peeled off.

As for what made me smile, I was able to get all the lunar clothing. It was quite a grind, but fun in the end. The grind wasn’t too tiring

My Pandaren looks great now.

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