šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

This might be a reference to the Pied Piper from the final Shrek movie

Indeed it was. I couldnā€™t find enough stopping places to recharge without sliding back down. He only stopped once to recharge, on a flat surface, then dumped me at the peak so I just had a short upwards flight then a glorious glide down.

I need someone to do this for me!! I even tried on my dracthyr using a combo of dragonriding and soar and still failed to get it :laughing:

If you really want I can do that for you.

At long last
the maw grind ends
this put a big smile on my face today knowing that iā€™m never going back to that god forsaken place EVER AGAIN !!!


May I relieve you of your stygia?! Gz on that BTW :slight_smile:

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thanks :slight_smile:

If possible you can have it all
i need no reminder of this place

I left all mine there after dying haha. I doubt I will eve go back to TBH.

catalogued research at the top
stygia at the bottom
and thatā€™s after i bought the korthia mounts/sets etc

take it all please :smiley:


also i remember i bought an item somewhere that reduces the stygia loss after death by 75% ?
i canā€™t remember if itā€™s from venari or from krothia
worth checking out

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flip! 55k stygia. I have about a tenth of that. Now it will sit in your currencies doing nothing. I suppose some alts could get stuff wit it.

I dont think I ever got that item. now I never will.

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My dragon hit 70 right before work :smile:

It was a bit nasty to get the final push done because my Internet.exe stopped working so I died in all 3 dungeons I did at least once, but one of the ressers made me laugh :sweat_smile:

Zug zug mode xD


Iā€™m definitely not the person to ask :smiley: I still donā€™t know how he did it with only 1 stop. Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m an incompetent dragonrider.

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Nah, Iā€™d simply say a rookie, weā€™ve all been there. :sweat_smile:

I could help you just the same, by the way.


Dinged lvl 100 herbalism
Okay not a big deal, but Iā€™m quite a lazy herbalist; for me it is an achivement! :rofl:
At least I can supplyā€¦ errā€¦ support my alchemical studies
Nothing illegal mind altering substanc cooking in the basement
No, no sir, not me!

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Frankly itā€™s possible to get anywhere and stay in the air indefinitely without landing. If youā€™re savvy youā€™ll learn the 5 sec vigor recharge in the air first, and leave the other talents for last, but even at 10 sec recharge in the air I could get pretty much anywhere albeit less effiviently.

Itā€™s actually more red. It looks pink because of how complimentary colors work. Blue and red in that amount result in pink, which is why I look pink hereā€¦ The alliance background is at fault.

World boss loot seems to exist finally. :ā€™)

Edit: not only for my main! My pally also got a nice wrist from the same boss.

Reading the forums (mostly US ones because it automatically redirects me there instead of the eu section), comedic effect is so good.

Got my TL3 back