šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Every Vulpera is a vicious war fox!


Got my third portal done today :tada:


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Managed to do the impossible and get a group together for Zuldrak amphitheater on my mage - peeps donā€™t do it nearly as often as they used to back when Wrath relaunched :sweat_smile:


FINALLYi finished the achievement:
WHAT A LONG STRANGE TRIP ITS BEEN!!! afte a lot of years!!
a special thanks to MARMAR.


Big Congrats that is awesome to hear i miss some easter oneā€™s myself :slight_smile:

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Thanks! after they deleted BB king achie for merrymaker i knew it was time to finish. probably it was the oldest achie i was working for.

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Gratz!! It takes a very long time ā€¦ apart from the Insane achievement, I think itā€™s probably the hardest. Or certainly the longest.


I looted an X-45 Heartbreaker just now on my mage :slight_smile:


I never used weakauras but I felt I really need one for when I need to recast Earth Shield on myself. Copied some from the net but it wasnā€™t working so a friend offered making one for me. I tested it and itā€™s working as intended. Me very happy! :blush:

Having so much fun levelling rogue, really enjoying the legion class hall campaign on it too :smile:


DF is the first expansion, that made me actually go outside and level up through quests.

I realized that in the case of the following classes: Shaman, Druid, DK, Warlock (the less popular ones for me, except the DK, I only have 1 of each), Iā€™ve never played outside of dungeons, with them.

Itā€™s kind of weird playing, without the protection of the other 4 players, Iā€™m usually with in a dungeon.
To a lesser extent this also applies to my 2 Priests as well.

Playing MM on my Forsaken Hunter, feels so weak compared to playing BM on my other 3 Hunters. I always have to do careful pullings and planning. On my 3 BM Hunters, on the other hand, I just go in and start killing everything thatā€™s in front of me.

Having high mob density in quest areas, has actually worked in my favor when I play: protection Warrior, protection Paladin, Blood DK, Vengeance DH.
I just pull everything in the area and delete them.

Iā€™m still trying to figure out how to make the best of my Arcane Mage. Timing seems to be crucial when aligning your CDs.

It has been ages since I leveled up a Priest in Shadow spec. Last time I did it until max level was in TBC expansion. I tried for a short period in SL but I quit immediately after the Maw intro. Getting killed by a rare was the nail in the coffin for that spec.

My favourite class, so far has been the Warrior. Iā€™m playing 5 atm. 2 are Fury, 2 are protection and 1 is arms. They just go in and destroy everything.


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I got my Amice of the Blue upgraded for free by a kind soul who valued his time less than perhaps he should. 418, first try.

I decided to donate all that I had, which admittedly was only 7500g, to the crafter.

I then went out and farmed herbs for an hour and woke up this morning to 9000g, so itā€™s all good.

What particularly makes me smile about this situation is that I bought at least 20 WoW Tokens in Shadowlands because I kept having to buy these crazy expensive legendaries and herbing was full of botting making it not worth my time, not to mention not enjoyable.

But now, with the silly legendaries gone I feel I can earn the gold myself, and furthermore the Dragonflying has killed the bots. Theyā€™ve tried some teleporting bots but they were short lived. They could run around on ground mounts but Iā€™ll earn 10k an hour or more, and they canā€™t even get close. Itā€™s not uncommon for a single plant to have between 200g and 600g for me.

They especially canā€™t make it work because it takes them weeks to level their herbalism up to my skill level, by which time they may have been banned, increasing my lead against those things even further. Iā€™m sure this will change at some point, but for now Iā€™m having a grand time earning things in the game instead of swiping my credit card. So thanks for that Blizz. This is actually a really big deal for me even though I can afford it.


Vulpera goes splat
I was in Legion Dalaran and thought I will do the usual jump and dive with my dragon - as I used to in the Dragon Isles - because no fall damage
Well, it was painfull
Kids, Dragonriding is dangerous, makes you forgot, outside the isles if you are an idiot, you could and will die :rofl:
But it was funny nontheless


Wait what. We donā€™t get fall damage on the dragon isles? :no_mouth:

If you are on your drake and just jump and freefall, no. You could nosedive from the tallest mountain, you will just land with a ā€œthumpā€, but no damage


Didnā€™t know that. Noted :memo:

To where exactly? Isnā€™t Legion Dalaran surrounded by water?

But yeah I agree in the Ysera quest when you go fetch her from the Shadowlands I forgot I am not in the Dragon Isles anymore and tried to use Skyward Ascent and then dive only to be met with an awkward jump and then the ground.


Just for future reference if you are always carrying your weathered purple umbrella toy from SL you have some protection from that mistake :+1:


From the top of the violet spire, I made a few screenshots
Then jumped from up there

To be honest, even pressing space would have been enough to flap the wing
But zoned out confidently, Iā€™m safe, Iā€™m on the back of my dragon :laughing:
And falling
Then splat


Iā€™ve done that too - usually leaving the Mage Tower after Iā€™ve portalled to Stormwind.