šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Fun in M+ with friends

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Iā€™ve picked this character up again to find my two pets were named after my cats, one of which unfortunately died last year but lives on as a spirit beast here. Although I remembered it, it still made me smile to see her again, in a way.


Got my fel werebear after 2nd attempt. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Must admit, i enjoyed that questline too


Not yet, need a little bit over 200 score now.

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Then I still cross fingers for you :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve been doing some solo Island Expeditions on my level 59 alt, and while racing the enemy team at that level is pretty difficult, let me tell you that their AI isnā€™t that impressive. You just tag a bunch of mobs, run into the enemy faction, let them take aggro with their AoE and then Heroic Leap away and watch them kill those mobs for you giving you all that Azerite for free.


I slacked last week, so I wont finish this week - oh well, Iā€™ve got plenty of time. ^^

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And not strictly WoW related but


Got the Red Infernal from Mythic Gulā€™dan - now I have all of them!

You look very fine as a human female player too you know, keep up the voodoo/good stuff and have plenty of fun.

I longed for the days i would see you play and have fun playing human female as i had fun playing my troll female and still play more troll female now ^^.

Was doing atal dā€™azar (sp?) on my baby lock when a little more than half way through a kick request popped up. Reason? ā€œWanted to kick lock.ā€ It went through and we finished the dungeon with 4 people.

I asked why on earth they had wanted to kick me but nobody said anything. I did nothing wrong in the dungeon just played the game so I was honestly confused. Made me smile though that the other people didnā€™t just blindly click yes on the kick pop up and instead they ended up kicking the unreasonable player who may or may not get kicks out of trying to get rid of random team mates to screw them out of exp.

A bit like you on the forums constantly then right?

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My rogue got it first portal thanks to friends :smile:


did the greedy goblin in Org yesterday (got mount) people were wishing each other good luck and someone asked at the end if anyone needed the toy, Made my old heart happy,


Itā€™s been very much like that on my realm. Everyone chatting while waiting then trying to offload their 99th pet when I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyone left without :slight_smile:
And gratz on the mount :smiley:

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Great. Will look forward to see you around in Sanctuary.

Yay, finally got the last item from the greedy goblin - livestock lochaber axe polearm - can leave it be now! :+1::grinning:

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Gratz! That was my last item too after it dropped for every alt of mine that couldnā€™t equip it until finally it dropped for my druid. It shouldā€™ve been account bound ā€¦


Agree account bound would have been better - positive vibes for everyone still going at it :+1: