šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I found out people still have no clue about aberrus on normal - after all thist time in s2, people making most blatant mistakes without any reading ability (them having tacs throughtly explained by me leading the pug).
5 people alive killing sark from 15% to 0 felt like I wanted to just jump off the platform. But that would mean starting over with them.

Yes, that made me smile - it was a bitter, sardonic smile but a smile nevertheless.

Minor spoilers to the Draenei heritage

We get the teleport animation we use during the questline as a hearthstone toy. I was already ready to start begging Blizzard to make it one before I got it.

WHich is supposed to mean you expect everyone who does these raids to have been there a year ago? Cause I didnā€™t raid back then yet I cleared heroic. (:

Ganking a gnome mage eating bread on my rogue


Had some soloing fun today with the patch, was able to solo everything in BFA on mythic except Gā€™huun and Nā€™zoth thanks to the silent adjustments made, then tried Mythic Castle Nathria just out of curiosity and went 5/10 mythic there too. :slight_smile:

Couldnā€™t solo Hungering Destroyer though, but itā€™ll be doable in TWW for sure. (Maybe if you were 520+ ilevel or something, kept getting him to 20% in my current gear)

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the best choice of my vault today were awakened nm opalfang legs
which i both wanted for appearence and to make to tier
(had hero legs made to tier from last season still at 467 ilvl)
oh and next week after i beat all fated normal vault bosses
(got my abberus achievement last week and fated nm amirdrassil one today)
i get my last awakened raid achieve and the mount

and my alt paladin i buffed her item level to 485 guess i can promote her to 2nd ret paladin main
after getting her to 487 i went for jaina skip solo killed her easy in 5 minutes and 22,33 seconds
got both a cloth and a mail chest and the 1h sword(but no mount)

Thank you for hiding it, Chronormi :heart: I canā€™t do it until next week when my friend can play ā€¦ we started our draenei together in TBC and, though weā€™ve both got many other alts, our draenei are still the mains for both of us.


I got all raids on heroic. Very happy with the title.


did something change with the gametime cards in the shop?
gametime-wise i mean i am sure i bought only 1 of those cards for 60 days
and my remaining playtime had 27ish something days left
when i booted the launcher it now says i have 3 months of playtime instead of the usual 2?
i mean those are good news but how this happened confuses me

also one character got the overwflowing cache of coins from weekly vald quest for 15kish gold
finished the feast for my dks weekly received another one
tho its weird one of these boxes gave my dk a blue trinket when both trink slots are purple(499 and 493 each)

Got both Heritage Armor sets done today


some Tuskarr NPC that if you talk to him opens a whole in-game talent/profession-like menu for fishing stuff and because I donā€™t really fish I have never seen it until now and it just made me happy because someone had to put in the effort to create the whole menu and make all the abilities there work and then thereā€™s like probably 90%+ of the community that will never even interact with the NPC
but the fact that itā€™s there and itā€™s something that youā€™ll randomly find at some point and probably even decide to do for fun when you have nothing to do made me so happy because it makes the world feel alive
PS thanks Blizzard for all the effort you put into the game <3


This is like the noodle minigame in Pandaria
Most of the player never know it exist


did heroic uldir on my warrior
1st boss dropped the hammer mace others staff an agi polearm a dagger a offhand and heroic mythrax gave me a str 1h(but not the blue 2 handed sword which i got on dk later)
did 4 m0s for the 2 brullon weekly and this added 2 slots to my vault
guess next week is fated vault?(last raid on normal i need for my mount)

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Used my TWW boost to level a shaman and damn, didnā€™t know Enhancement is so much fun to play :smiley:


Thatā€™s the reason Iā€™m currently on Azeroth. My little lancer sits there somewhere feeling lonely.

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not only yesterday it happens today too had disconnects there twice
i am currently logged in without issues(for now just trying to listen to music and try to eat a chicken boi minion with the name wind up alpha)
for my death knight the blue voror finally dropped from heroic mythrax
and all my plate dps can mog it now
also a str 1h axe and apparently the 2h mace from taloc is a common drop
ive done 1 war and 1 dk hc uldir runs each and both times it dropped

Last season, I finally got the matching enchant for my favourite Monk set.
7 years separate these two items.

Both the illusion and the armor set have been removed from the game.
But it doesnā€™t matter because I got them both.


Managed to complete the Draenei heritage armour quest after being bottlenecked by the bone quest, apart from that it was good! Wondering if I might level a troll during Pandaria remix for their heritage quest, but Iā€™d have to wait for the event to finish first right?

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An undocumented(i think) change: LFR now has shared 7 combat resurrections at the start of a fight.

https:/ /cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/645733464464818187/1238564475439808592/image.png?ex=663fbe8e&is=663e6d0e&hm=dd28d32a7145bc0c716116fdf248781ee7efa9e869aa8eb56732d8046fc40140&

Space between the 2 //.