šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Gotta love it when that happens :laughing::laughing:

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Sounds like karma :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Doing that would only enhance and breed toxcitiy more .

Did another run in my Disciple BE Priest again and the experience was absolutely incredible ! :smiley:

We were at Dazarā€™alor when the group was on Rezan, but the Tank was elsewhere. It was really confusing, because I kept trying to target the Tank, he was losing HP but he was nowhere to be seen.

I decided to just heal the Nightborne Mage, the Troll Hunter abd the BE DH.
Amazingly we did it.
Tank quits afterwards and the three decided to carry on.

I donā€™t know what those 3 were wearing, it was never difficult to heal them.
Now that I think about it :thinking:, the BE DH might had changed from Havoc to Vengeance.

We got a tank when we were heading to the last boss and we finished, the run. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Got the necrolord pet cat today but I canā€™t type his name on the forum because the first four letters are a banned word apparently.

As a Brit I canā€™t relate to how itā€™s offensive but the cat is jelly like and green.


Such a nice kitty you have :grin:

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For me, seeing a player named Silvananas made me laugh a bit.


10,000 pet charms saved up now owner of a very expensive pet!


And there it is 10,000Kā€™s worth ā€˜Flawless Amethyst Baublewormā€™


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The fact that over the last two days 6 of my 8 characters have received mail from Blizzard thanking me for reporting cheats. Maybe they are finally doing something.


Most mages having to farm/wait for 3 weeks to get their best legendary.

New nightborne customization :o

The value of self improvement.

Through out the whole BFA expansion, I always played my Forsaken Priest as Holy.

Iā€™ve been trying the Discipline spec, on my BE Priest,level 36 and it requires a lot more concentration and knowledge of what you are doing.

On my Forsaken Priest, I just looked at the HP bars and reacted.
On my BE Priest, I have to anticipate whatā€™s going to happen. My priority were different, this time: try to maximize my damage and dispell enemy buffs.

In Tol Dagor, there was a simple pull, By the BE Tank. It were 2 Kul-Tyran melee mobs and 1 Kul-Tyran ranged. I thought the Tank could deal with it, so I was trying to do some damage. Turns out they were heavily hitting mobs and soon the Tank was dead. I had became too relaxed, because that was our second run together (same 5 players), our first was Waycrest Manor.
In the last two mobs there was a miscommunication, the BE DH didnā€™t heard the Goblin Mage, asking her to bring the 2 Kul-Tyran guards to the cannon in the back.
I knew how hard those 2 guys hit, so I decided to only focus on healing this time.
One member almost died, luckily, I managed to get him back up.

In conclusion, knowing what to do in each instance is important, if you want to do damage as a healer. Because none likes a healer that doesnā€™t heal properly.

I lack awareness as I tend to tunnel vision way too many times, resulting on either leaving a DPS to die because I was looking at the Tank, for example or being hit by a mechanic, because I wasnā€™t looking.

Itā€™s amazing how all the knowledge you get from being a healer, also helps when you are playing as a Tank. You understand, the Healer isnā€™t there to cover for your mistakes, because he also has his own problems. I noticed, sometimes my HP bar is ok, but the other players arenā€™t. Sometimes, Iā€™m one of the last standing, after everyone died.

Thanks for reading this far.


Eating a nice tasty Vulpera beef.


Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader dropped for my enchanter after farming for only 15 minutes.


Seeing the news about Velves getting new hair colors and finding out a few thousand pieces of cloth on my banker that I thought I didnā€™t have after logging in on him to buy it. :slight_smile:

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Well it is meat I will tell you, I found those creatures lacking any manners and hospitality for travelers kinda funny as they are travelers themself.

I didnā€™t mean to squash them like the insect they are but how rude of them to refuse us some meal or water as we were marroned on their home, you forced our hand little vulpera,remember to let us wet our beak a little !!! :smiley:

new looks in 9.1.5 yay

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Happened to log on about half an hour before the Mogu invasion started, and finally managed to catch the Ivory Cloud Serpent when it spawned! :smiley:


We timed some higher keys today (for us) and had great fun doing it.


Customizations update for 9.1.5. So excited.