šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Getting mount 573 from NF garden now i finally have tier5 garden .


Finally got that third Necrolord egg from the calling chest (got the first two in the first week, been an age doing all Necro callings since)


Got my first Deathā€™s Advance paragon mount! One to goā€¦


Itā€™s chill day before reset where I get to do inane stuff on alts


The Arena Forum

Getting the level 60 renown mog set on my necrolord lock .


I never thought Auchenai Crypts is the easiest HC dungeon in TBC. I meanā€¦ we did it with 2 melees safe and sound, sure we had a death here and there, but the dungeon isnā€™t overtuned at all unlike the rest :laughing:

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Trying to do the daily in Korthia where you ride a stag and actually be able to hit mobs as the quest is flooded with people all doing the same.

I honestly donā€™t feel they thought it through before adding quests like this. Every single bombing run/attack mobs in/on a vehicle suffers with this in SL.

The low number of subscribers

i have 1 guestin if i swamp bank to a old coven i been in beofore do it stay the renown at same as u left ?

Yes your old covenant will remember where you left off.

well i will go for renoven 80 in all 4 then :rofl:

I got called ā€œtrash mageā€ (new character Iā€™ve started) after I didnā€™t abide to some warrior and his paladin friend who approached me and said ā€œrepair mount nowā€. I lolā€™d and replied with ā€œsays those who donā€™t have a repair mountā€.

Everytime time I saw them after I mounted my Travelerā€™s Tundra Mammoth and laughed as they tried to follow to use my mount.

I would have let them repair/sell trash if they asked nicely. :man_shrugging:

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Was so awful back then aswell so you did really well .

Myself finally got 4 chars to 64 renown.


Played as Holy spec on my BE Priest in Tol Dagor and it was like I was finally free from a shackle.

I felt like nothing except my own mistakes could ruin the run.
Tank left before Knight Captain Valyri and we were still able to finish the dungeon with just 3 DPS.

It feels great to be a healer again. :partying_face:


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The achievement on the last boss in Sanguine Depths was awful but at least I donā€™t have to do that anymore!!!

Venthyr Korthia transmog quest was up today, bracers no less :laughing:

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Knowing what type of Tank you are healing.

Itā€™s funny how healing becomes so much easier, when you know exactly what type of CDs the Tank ahead of you is deploying.

Today I was again on my BE Priest and the Tank I was Healing was a BE Monk.
She (female character) was probably a Mithic + player as she started pulling big right from the start. I noticed unlike other players, she definitely knew what she was doing and her gear was also good.

I was caught off guard, at the beginning and we wiped as I didnā€™t expected her to go straight for the trash packs, instead of going around, as every group does.

But from there on it was quite easy to predict exactly what she was going to do.
I kept her at full HP all the time and when she popped her CDs I knew it was time to start spamming heals.

Glad Iā€™m leveling a BM/MW/WW Pandaren Monk (level 40s) and I got a BE Monk level 50 as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


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The Korthia critter quest was up again today and the fix is great, the quest is no longer an ordeal to complete


Finally, Iā€™ve got the Weather Beaten Fishing Hat! All the less getawaysā€¦ time to angle! :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Oh, and would you look at that? The brightest thread of the forums reached 1000 total entries with the starter post. :beers: