🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Stod in a pile of alliance in IC on my vulpera waiting for a rare to spawn.
They were mocking my poor vulpera in their common tongue.
Little did they know I was under the effect of Elixir of Tongues…

There was no hiding from my Vulpera sass.

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Killing nathanos 10+upteenth times for various elven weapon mogs I had not yet got from warfronts.

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Ez Clap!!!


On my second kill today:-

I am now ready for the Shadowlands!!!


Turning Puny into a triffle .

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The cinematics which get better every expansion.


Do you have an idea how many different items can we get from ice crown elites? I was wondering if it’s worth to farm them on one of my fresh alts to boost ilvl before sl.
I know we can buy a full set of 100 ilvl items but 115 looks much better:P

In one of the guides there was a list of each boss and what they drop. You’d have to figure it out from that.

There is a section that looks like this

muchos gracias senora

wait what you can get blue proto drake???

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Yes you can :slight_smile:

A friend figured out if we vendor the Argent set, you don’t have to re-farm the same set on the opposite faction.

So my Alliance Paladin has their equivalent set unlocked without me having to do the dailies \o/

if I played alliance and then female toons I’d always go for this hairstyle on humans. Its just amazing


Punyhuman has cute hairstyle. 4 am, I am here sitting and collecting those tokens and pondering I am weak. :frowning:

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My weekend started today and I’m gonna stay up and camp for skadi rare so I can finally get blue proto. He spawns in 80 minutes. It’s been a long time since I played any game till 4 am lol

Thank god I looted that drake from the ‘bag’ tanks used to get from tanking in PUGs in one of those expansions :hugs:

Nowadays those bags contain pain and disappointment :frowning:

Back on days those bags rewarded random dungeon mounts quite often. Got a Rivendares horse, anzu and few others like this, also that green proto.

the shadowlands release time thread posted a few mins ago

This is more of a “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry” thing, but I looted the ultra rare Amanthul’s Vision trinket from Argus. :man_shrugging:

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