šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Seeinf further nerfs to BM hunters

I was a victim of the glitch thing where I killed Nathanos, but was in turn killed by one of his Dotā€™s, I got the credit for the kill, but was obviously dead, so had to corpse run back (Itā€™s not even that long a run) and to my horror Heā€™d already respawned (must have been about a minute, no more) and moreover was on 50% health. As such, there was no body for me to loot, so all that effort for nothing!
ā€œNo Problemoā€, thinks I, ā€œI shall get stuck into helping this Alliance raid smashing him in, but make sure to stay alive, so pull back when he does anything a bit fruity, and loot his corpse this timeā€ (Because one extra MM hunter is really going to make a difference!). Success! Nathanos Dies! I donā€™t get the flag on screen saying ā€œNathanos Blightcaller has been killedā€ā€¦worry sets in, with trepidation I head to where I saw him fallā€¦

There is no body. Because I had already killed himā€¦

Sad noises in Elven

Then I thought. ā€œThat canā€™t be right, Iā€™ve killed him twice, and neither time could loot the bally corpse! I shall open a ticket, damn it all!ā€

Today I got my -swift- response. Paraphrasing it was ā€œYeah, we noticed that was a problem, we canā€™t retroactively give you a loot roll, but it has been hotfixed now so if you die fighting him you donā€™t miss out, and weā€™ve reset your World Boss counter so you get to kill him a third time, and this time loot him!ā€

I was actually rather impressed by the speed at which they got back to me, and that resolution of my ticket, so I am pretty happy with Blizz about that!

Oh, the GM joke was.
ā€œWhy do Goblins make good Warriors?ā€
ā€œBecause they always Chargeā€

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while leveling my druid the tank asked me about my mana addon and then asked me what rio i was and then he said this:

that really made me happy and i feel like actually pushing myself more next season.

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I got that funny cosmetic necklace from IC elites and itā€™s going up in price. I think I might snipe few of them and flip them in the future. Iā€™m gonna monitor amount of those items posted, sold and price fluctuation and then Iā€™ll decide if its worth flipping. Its a fun item tho.

Stress test on beta is great

A Choir of Murlocs singing ā€˜This old man.ā€™

My guild. Theyā€™re so wholesome. I just regret that Iā€™m unable to enjoy WoW with them because I canā€™t go to the Internet cafe more than once or twice a week, but every time I manage to log in and play with them, I canā€™t help but smile.

Corny I know, but whatever.


Sapping/blind people the moment rukhmar spawns. Since most people donā€™t wear pvp trinkets anymore outside arena they just have to sit there and watch it die.

And wait 15 minutes again :ā€™)

I smile always when i wake up every morning to play WoW every day since i joined some weeks ago and enjoy it a lot.

Today I level up my cute Panda girl shaman a bit.
:blush: :candy:


I have two so far and 3 bags, I am not farming for any of them I just want gear for the alts I recently levelled. My theory is that if you want it you donā€™t get it, if you donā€™t want it then you get it. I am going to put this to the test by repeating all night that I DO NOT WANT to win the lottery, will update tomorrow :wink:

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I bought one when they dropped to 30k

Iā€™ve not done the rares much in Icecrown, just the odd one or two each when alts were there for quests.


Only 30k? damn I thought I was sitting on a goldmine :rofl:


Have run all 49 chars through Nathanos WQ now and got weapons for all \o/


Not corny at allā€¦ This is the thing I have been searching for since I came backā€¦

My old guild used to make me feel this way - Not being able to meet IRL, but still feel so happy whenever you get ā€œcloseā€ to them online :+1:


I decided to do some achievements around Zandalar that I have been meaning to do.
Get Hekā€™d was a lot of fun to do and I couldnā€™t help but smile at all the pranks Jani had me do.

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Having a load of quests to hand in all at once


I wasnt sure if I should post it in smile or frown thread cause it took me 12,5 hours to get this achievement (has 2 parts. Last fish called ā€œTravelling Gobyā€ took me 5 hours to catch. Je su sss
Im glad I have this toy tho


Managed to get from 10-50 today. Which is a huge improvement compared to my usual slacking.


Either you won and celebrateing or you didnt win and busy !

I didnā€™t win, I think the powers that be realised I was cheating and I did really want to win the Euro Millions so they gave me nothing, ah well will try again next week :wink: