šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Reputation Paragon award for Venthyr Court of Harvesters !

My first such award on this account. Having lots of fun and even helping out my guild in
Mythic dungeons next week, I am very confident in 5 man and can kick out damage and manage my cooldowns while healing


Two more flawless runs checked off, two to go :grin:

And thenā€¦ NEVER AGAIN.


I was cutting 12 Bold Crimson Spinels for 120 gold - 50 gold less than my ordinary pricing for my cheapskate customer when my best customer saw us in Stormwind and joined the conversation. My greedy customer tried to shame me for trying to ā€œput 50 gold for nothingā€ when the other customer gave me 7k gold for cutting 4 of the same gems to him.

To the cheapskateā€™s increasing embarrassment, my other customer also ordered 4 Steady Talasite and proudly announced that he was paying additional 20k gold for these gems. This experience restored my faith in that least some players acknowledge the real value of crafters, and are willing to set an example for those who doesnā€™t.

I am not expecting 1k++++ gold in tip, but I do expect recognition of my official prices.


I had to do the quest over three days but itā€™s done!!!


Iā€™m free to fly the skies of Outland with a 280% speed wyvern! All that remains now is to get enough gold for a talbuk and the Cenarion hippogryph. I wonder how long itā€™ll take? :wind_face:


Finally !
Trial of style week is here. :partying_face:

20 characters to transmogg or review and 4 more needing to hit level 50 this week.
Gonna have lots of fun and save tons of gold in Transmoggs



Dinged my warrior at last and working on my last plate coven set .


I logged on my Alliance char parked on the boat outside Isle of Giants just to see a lvl 52 Blood Elf camping War-God Dokah. I greeted the Hunter and went AFK, and when I came back the Horde was gone, but they had left me with the B.F.F-buff.

It is nice to be friends despite being stuck with gesticulation to each other thanks to the archaic language barrier when they donā€™t have [Elixir of Tongues].


Cool mount drop. Hand of Bahmethra. Pure by accident. :upside_down_face:


I am playing through Warlords of Draenor in Chromie time and am reminded how amazing those cinematics are :heart:

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Came back from a quick shower to find my trade window open and a friend giving me cake :cupcake: :heart:


Anima cap increase being done as a hotfix so I can free the bagspaces!!!


Got hit by 32k execute, which is more than 2x Chaos Bolt. Yes, it was a crazy laughter. Found the warrior though to clap him with 30k demonbolts. Whispered me from Horde toon saying ā€œNice revenge :)ā€.

I finally unlocked Nightbournes and I never ever ever have to set foot in Suramar ever again :partying_face:


Finally got the NF korthia mount to drop today :slight_smile:


My key group finally managed to get to a key to a +20 and although we didnā€™t time it, it was great fun getting the chance to try one.

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Reset Day ! Things to do, places to go and mobs to kill !

I do like reset day it is almost like having a mini birthday every week (I am long since counting birthdays though)

Reset Day is the Best Day in every way ! Good luck and have fun to all !


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This would be awesome if these were moggable items or at least not soulbound. Then I would farm them for my main. Alternatively, the devs could update the vendor in Old Hillsbrad instance to be able to buy these sets for our main characters. Iā€™d be very happy with either of the options.


been doing old contents today when have noting to do got some new trasmogs for my warrior whats alweys a good thing ā€¦

Repaired my dodgey keyboard so I can actually WoW again without playing like a complete fish. Returning on Tuesday evening was a bit intense as I had a few hours to get the entire weekā€™s worth of things done plus some keys, but I did it! New Keyboard setup took a while to get used to but I still managed to have a great key run and see my new leggo in action which was awesome!

And to top if off the harvest war chest gave me the bat mount. As someone who doesnā€™t give a toss about mounts, it was still pretty awesome as a ā€œwelcome backā€ present I suppose!

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