🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Terrible news, everyone, I didn’t get to heal the daily HC Slave Pens today…
But great news, everyone, the leader was kind enough to let me purge the naga in Holy flames!

(Hey… that rhymed! :sunglasses:)

I like my healer role, but I must admit… this felt great. And I saw it myself that the Smite build is indeed viable in TBC. Maybe I should consider meme builds on alts! :wink:

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Yay my first Korthia set is done!

I made a deal with a certain Loa :sweat_smile:


There is a secret hideout? :open_mouth:

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Super secret

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31 tries. it took me 31 tries to get the god damn, bloody, mist trinket. and then it didnt even drop for myself, someone else kindly gifted it to me…

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if i keep up this speed on leveling alts what i do now i will have over 200 alts in level 60 when 9.1.5 comes out :rofl:

Not strictly WoW related but I do play WoW on it. Woke up this morning to find my Hubby had put in a wide screen monitor for me. I can see sooooo much now XD

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Folks saying that 9.1.5 gives them hope for 10.0.

First one down! Grab of the Twilight Grove (just 4 more to go - Venthyr have two)



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It turns out I don’t even need to heal as much if I can charm an elite healer to do it for me! (And a few trash mobs have remarkable AoE in Botanica.)

Cabal and Shadowmoon Acolytes make great menders for your party - just a heads up for fellow priests in TBC.

I know, not that rare, but I finally got the Kaldorei Nightsaber today, wanted it for a while now, still no luck with the other one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Mount 585 dropped today in Koritha the little Alien headed looking one .


The one Sand has a different name for?

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The one very one lol .

Nice! Gz :slight_smile:

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Thank i miss 3 covens .


Mounts from there .

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I’ve only recently started getting anima on alts to buy things, still haven’t got all the 5k anima mounts, think I got all the 7.5k ones now.

Still farming some drops as well.

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