šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

do you mean $250mil in euro jackpot? A very wealthy man once said ā€œMoney is too hard to make to waste it on gamblingā€ and thats why I do not gamble at all.

I admire your self restraint sadly I am lacking in this department, I am not a great gambler but I do play the lottery, although can we call that gambling when the odds of winning are remote?

Anyways I is still poor erm, so who is this wealthy man you quoted? Asking for a friend, honest I am :wink:

I watch producer Michael on YouTube. Heā€™s a very reasonable and fun guy.

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Listening to Suramar music on youtube while posting. Missing playing there.

this toy is like a community event! I love it


Iā€™m smile for multiboxers get ban in SL.
I waited 15year for this.

My latest Paladin hit level 50 today, I had to delete a DK to make room for it.

I see how it is </3

I got the same reaction from Kyrel and others on FF. I still have a max level Alliance and Horde DK. But Pally is :purple_heart:

12 days late and not in game BUT wow related, seeing baby murlocs and dino plushie in blizz store on sale and snapping them up XD

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Business is a boomin, that makes me smile

Dinged yesterday and have spent the day in Icecrown getting upgrades, the bosses have been quite kind too.

When i see someone with a invincible mount and knowing i had it drop for me and gave it to my girlfriend and how happy she got for it makes me smile every time. Still havent got the mount yet but hopefully it drops a second time for me in the future.


Got my feat of str today :slight_smile:



Finally got the 2 mounts from dominance offensive in MoP after 8 years of procrastinating.

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how long does it take?



I picked up a quest in Org that sent me back to Icecrown and did a a few quests. Bit of flying back and forth but over and done with in 15-20 mins. Much like the first lot of quests we had week 1.

and thats it for the prepatch? no more achievements?

My friend is pinning markers to the island north of Icecrown, and everybodyā€™s going there getting mad thereā€™s no rare.

I know itā€™s trolling, but itā€™s funny.


Yeah that is the prepatch feat of str :slight_smile:

Week 2 went live for us today.