🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Hallow’s End is right around the corner :smiley:


I noticed the Dark Iron Smoking Pipe’s visual is as if you smoked Felweed.

Definitely keeping that trinket… too good for RP to pass up :laughing::laughing:

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I’m really looking forward to it. Will actually have to go back to Azeroth for visits!!!

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My husband got me the mouse mount and Hearthsteed from Hearthstone today, yaay :grin:
I love them already!


That still available? WOW :open_mouth:

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Yep! I thought it’s not, but it is, luckily, just need 3 wins against real people. I suck.at.this.game.:sweat_smile:

Was one of my first mounts (maybe the first) I was playing hearthstone at the time and wanted the Lady Lladrin (sp?) skin. I needed to level to 20 in WoW iirc as part of it so was my first introduction to the game (I did quit after but returned on Legion release and here I am!)

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Gratz! Sadly, i came just when SL dropped and am way behind.
Can you please tell me what else can be won from HS for WoW? :slight_smile: I think someone got a new hobby :laughing:

Think that is it, there was a mount from HoTs a while back but no idea if you can still get that. Primal Flamesaber - it is a nice one

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Thank you very much! :heart: I will check it out. Happy weekend! :blush:

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Yesterday I got invited to a semi-guild Heroic run by someone I met recently on my keys/journeys. It was fun to have a good group for reclear, had some problems with Fate because some were more interested in parsing rather than doing mechanics (were PUGs).

After that we went to so some keys and I manage to level up my key from 20 to 22 (it was 22 at the start of the week but you know how many PUGs go on tyrannical SD).

Yes. Finally I’ll be able to mog that green witch hat that looks really cool.

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Today I fully upgraded my Legendary Cloak for Resto Shaman !


Watching blizzard starting to develop an online open-world RPG that seems that it is going to play like an fps and another mobile title.

Not in a good way ofc.

I struggled to get through the tutorial for the hearthsteed, let alone play the matches.

At least this time you didn’t actually have to play the game beyond the tutorial.


(Useless Tip as you’ve already done it) : Play yourself. Make two Blizzard accounts and play them against each other (well my 6 year old at the time played the second one) but it can easily run two clients on one machine (or phones etc.)


How long did it take? It is something I’ve not even tried to farm. Can DHs even get the achievement?

You just need a class that can wield the glaives.

Warrior, DK, Monk, Rogue, DH

I’ve farmed it on and off for years.


For me it took a bit under 2 months, but I think people tend to take longer, sometimes getting unlucky with duplicate warglaives as the main and off hand ones are different.

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Cool I’ll add it to the ‘two-do’ list. Might even start shortly, you need both on the same character I thae it? Is the DH chains ‘skip’ still a thing? I saw it on YT once.