🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Hit exalted with Deaths Advance on 3rd char so one more to go that is a Vent char . Also got last pieces of Vent mog today so need Necro with 1 slot to have all Korthia cosmetics :smiley:

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reached exact 2200 mythic+ score today!

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This might get flagged as non-topic or waeffa.

But I was playing Wow when a friend texted me, hope that counts.

Friend: Hey dude
Me: Hey, how’s it hanging?
Friend: A little to the right as usual. You?
Me: Ok…but let’s not go into politics ok?
Friend: …

Edit: Actually, I flagged myself just to be safe. Only need 4 more I think.


To counter the flag you gave yourself, I will give you a like, as the convo with your friend made me laugh :slight_smile:


Thank you dear. But actually you can like a comment that has been “flagged by the community”.

I have some experience on the matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Headless Nerdsman mount dropped tonight, cha ching! :sunglasses:

ez pz


This normally wouldn’t be a thing to celebrate, but my Skinner after many hours of grinding got Chum to drop in Nazjatar. Even better, Skinning Technique: Cragscale dropped from the summoned Vol’koth!

Now I hopefully only need to grind forth one more Chum for Skinning Technique: Dredged Leather.

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Playing Classic reminds me of how much fun shaman used to be.

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well idk just thinking about the lore of the game in general makes me smile it’s so good and expansive I hope they keep it up for as long as possible because it’s one of the biggest franchises out there and even if some changes are very meh the lore is always amazing and it has never ever disappointed me

I got exalted with the Kirin Tor Offensive so just the thought of never going back to that place puts a smile on my face. (still not as bad as netherwind ledge though)


I reached Shadowlands now. And that is rather challenging content so far. But very interesting story. I am in bastion, and the area is very beautiful.


I got invited to a guild and then the guy made me the boss and left. There was mats and stuff and pets in the GB and about 7k gold. Im quite pleased because I always wantedmy own personal guild but never had the patience to get signs.

Only problem is that it is that I can’t figure out how to invite my alts without involving a player I don’t know.

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Creates a second wow account (on the same login doesn’t need to have a subscription). Make a starter character.

Run both accounts and log in as you guild character

type /ginvite [name] of your new starter character.

Use the guild tools (can’t remember the command) to give the starter character invite rights and use them to invite your alts.

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Oh thanks. That wlll encourage me to play there now. A faction change to :slight_smile:

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Click on recruitment, set up the criteria and make sure to add in the info bit it’s only for alts then log each alt and find the guild in the looking for guild and apply, log back in on the char that has GM and accept the invites, then log back in on each alt and accept.


I have tried to find the guild it in that but cant see it. I’ll look again later when I get in. Thanks.

You need to make a recruitment advert and list it first, then log each alt and apply in the looking for guild, go back to the GM char and accept each application then relog each alt and accept the invite.

You can search for the guild name on your alts to make it quicker to find once it’s listed too.

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Double unity day!!! Six pieces down… this is a long trek but the end is in sight now.

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Drippy gave me the mount today just Relix to go from Koritha :smiley: