🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)


Nice, I’m up to 16 boxes now (across 4 characters) and still need one mount… :cry:

I hate these boxes (at least DA can be collected quite fast… Codex however can rot in hell… terrible putting a box with that )

I know some improvements are coming but please Blizzard drop the Paragon boxes like you said you would

I was clearing Uldaman on my Tailor/Enchant Priest, and both Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Versatility and Pattern: Red Mageweave Gloves dropped! Two rare recipes, and both will be learned. :grin:

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I DESPISE the paragon system. I should be done with Korthia on my main and just go do stuff on alts if necessary but no, because of this horrific RNG game I have to keep going back.

For a brief second I thought I was free of Korthia then remembered I still have the Archivist Paragons to go.


Second Kara guild run I managed to do was juicy, not only wipeless (on bosses at least… damn horse stables! :horse: ), I also got a good trinket, a smite-friendly cloak trash drop, and on top of that, a good stack of Void Crystals with the very rare Mongoose ench! With that, the guild has 2 Mongoose chanters if my Guildbook didn’t lie.

But, still no gloves even with softreserve. My hands are eternally cursed, I think… :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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Predatory Plagueroc just dropped for my Necrolord Holy Paladin.


Char number 4 at exalted with Deaths Advance so all mogs got from Korthia
Dinged char 16 today as well for my last coven plate wearing NF and getting very close to KSM so been very busy rencently.


I guess that was Greater Spirit back in classic :smiley:


Pattern: Soulcloth Vest dropped for my tailor. :smiley:
It was not my first time seeing it, but being bound upon pickup rendered it useless when it dropped for both my leatherworker and blacksmith.


Mail icon on characters with mail - on the login screen :smiley:

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I had a good idea last night for baking vegan-themed Warcraft cookies and baked goods. :cookie:

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Spending all that anima - all (DH) leather renown tmogs+weapons done.

Time to focus on Mail now (then plate…)


Being able to make my void elf look like this. Made me smile.

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I finally got Serena to come back to WoW and play Classic together! She was a bit hesitant, but seems to like it so far :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: will see if it lasts!


Unlocked Mechagnomes and Dark Iron Dwarves… now onto Kul Tirans to finally complete all the allied races before taking my LFD and NB to the barber :joy:


feels so good playing MM hunter now in 9.1.5 …

I got my shoulder back.


Did a Torghast run in Upper Reaches and when I got finished I noticed that i was now 15/20 in the Maw soul rescue quest so I won’t have to go grinding it out in the Maw - nice quality of life improvement


Was advertised as doing that, glad it works.

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