🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Its still on my to do list so many mounts so little time :frowning:


that i soon got all covenants renown 80 on my priest if thats even a good thing idk?

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If it makes you happy it’s a good thing :slight_smile:

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My last companion hit 60 this morning. It’s taken a looooong time …


wow related thought that made me smile today was that lost ark release is a month away and i feel it could be the game that makes me give up on wow for good :slight_smile:

Something wow related that made me smile:
Not logging on wow yet, have made me smile.

My monk can now fly around on his happy little cloud in the Shadowlands.


Levelling an alt in pandaland and I discovered a quest that has you kicking a pandaran down a hill…

It made my laugh and mark that area as a place to go back with levelling alts in futures :grin:


I did some tanking with my paladin today and… I noticed that after doing the proving grounds healing silver challenge with prot I picked up a habit of using my free Word of Glory whenever it is available, on my teammates too if my HP is high. I hope the healers aren’t mad at me for stealing part of their job :sweat_smile:




I’d madly steal you to tank for me. :laughing::laughing:

Of course, if you expect a bit of damage, best to hold on the free Word to keep yourself topped.

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Served my naughty boy six months and I got my T3 back



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I always smile on reset day another chance to get those mounts that havent dropped yet.


Running around at 285% run speed in the Deaths of Chromie scenario always makes me smile.

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Finally got Blanchy having been carrying half the items in my overflowing bags for more than half a year.
/edited for a double smile as I got my first flawless Torghast run (201) and my first foray into the Adamant Vaults. I’ve been trying for the flawless for so long and there was a really good load of buffs at the start of Coldheart.


Unlocked my Zandas! Ya, i know I’m late to the party, but :smiley::smiley::smiley:
Time to play my new warrior :laughing:


On a side note, Zuldazar is full of players, i havent seen so many players at once in the current zones lately :smiley:, it’s bfa all over again :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

I just downed Viscidus for my first time! :smiley: It was with this char. First I tried speccing Destro for Chaos bolt, but that strategy was tediously slow building shards for throwing bolt… When I at last made Viscidus a frozen glob, I was too slow with my melee damage so that attempt failed.

Then I logged my enchanter and crafted the enchant Elemental Force, and logged my Blacksmith for crafting a Pandaria Dagger. Sent all to this char, and wow… Froze and shattered Viscidus within a minute or so with only auto attacks. :partying_face:

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