šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I approve and you level so fast 6 in such a short time.

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Granted she had rested xp but I was surprised. I did Torghast quest :face_vomiting:, then did the bonus bits in each zone and the gear WQs, then did one circuit of the dungeons (I had three of the four dungeon quests), then finished off with a BG which fortunately we won so I could hand quest in.

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Dungeon quests !! thank you for reminding me i need to pick them up for my monk and do BG .

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Torghast quest :star_struck::metal:

Itā€™s not that bad, cmon!

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Paladin is just boring in Torghast.

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Well, at least you arenā€™t dependant on a specific power to finish it like I do :laughing:


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I do think itā€™s lame how some classes get really fun overpowering stuff and Pala is just boring across the board.

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Paladins might be boring in Torghast if all of them are Kyrian. I dunno, none of mine are that covenant. My Night Fae Protection and Necrolord Holy have a blast when they are clearing the place.

I donā€™t enjoy it on any covenant, the covenant powers donā€™t really change that much. This has been Venthyr before I had to go Kyrian. I do, however, have one paladin in each covenant.

If you enjoy playing them in Torghast thatā€™s great, sadly I find it incredibly dull.

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Everything is! (I really donā€™t like Torghast!) :stuck_out_tongue:


Talking about Torg, thatā€™s what the daily calling was for, and I got this from the boxā€¦

Great news, everyone! The slime is flowing again!


Great news, now to test this slime on you :laughing::laughing::laughing:
I have the nf toy and I loove my fairy wings šŸ„²

For the first time since we are in SL, I heard the music in oribos (you know always running, rushing for something, almost every time I am not in Ori, etc) and itā€™s so heavenly and magical and peaceful. Itā€™s like this is heaven for real. Music is the main reason i love wow, and I was so pleased when i heard it. Amazing job! :heart:

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Lol, i do this but with hunters, always think i should try smth different and then Iā€™m leveling another hunter, but diff race at least :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
Lovely pala, btw!


What theā€¦ Why would you have that many paladins?


I can tell you my pov.
Because different covenants, races, animations, appearances and etc.

For me to have so many hunters is because i love different animations provided by diff races. Hunter doesnt have cool animations, but at least races.
Now, Iā€™m trying male zanda troll, cant say Iā€™m too impressed (the warrior animations on them are bis though).

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I do have at least one of everything on both factions. But the rest are mostly Paladins and then the next most frequent class is hunters. My aim is eventually to just have one of every class on Horde and Alliance and then the rest will all be Paladins.

As we are really race restricted on Paladins, Iā€™ve had to vary it by having male and females of each race. I still have some Alliance males to do though, Dwarf, Dark Iron Dwarf, Lightforged Draenei. But thatā€™s more of a long term project. Iā€™ve had to delete several max chars over the years to do this :laughing:

Iā€™ve seen others do the same when they have a favourite class. Know a few players who favour all Warriors or all Hunters.


Hurray! Someone like me! :heart: :wink:


This I just cannot doā€¦ever. Iā€™ve 44 50+ but will not make more just in case they add more Allied races.


Mine is hunters and locks

I have 6 hunters atm all BM and all have double

As my pets.


My husband doesnt get my hunter mania and laughs when i decide to make a new one :laughing: