🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I have done some great battlegrounds today played with some fine people, a lot of talking and fighting, too much for my taste but decent people and good hordes oppenents, some funky folks trying to tag dun baldar incognito.


Enjoy your break, but this should be in the oposite thread :heart:

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Unless she’s happy to take a break :grin:

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Been a while since we had any good news, but now… :slight_smile:


Today I accomplished something I thought I’ll never get in Wow! Considering that I have unsubbed at least 3 times during Shadowlands, always making a promise for never to return and never to play Shadowlands, I have finally unlocked flying in SL :laughing: :blush:


We’re one step closer to faction merge in 10.0. Cross faction instanced content coming with 9.2.5! :partying_face:

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lots of things actually made me smile today

i think i might need to see a doctor :rofl:


Mount 614 and 2 million gold lighter but feels good to finally have it and cheer myself up


Found out that starting a comp stomp with “I’ll be first to BS and top healer, prove me wrong” really makes people up their game and the whole thing goes WAY faster. Be the bad guy people want to prove wrong! But be gracious when you then lose :joy_cat:


My hunter just visited BWL for his first time and barely made it out alive. Being level and ilvl 36, he’s nowhere near strong enough to oneshot the bosses, so I planned for a defensive tactic on Nefarian using my bear to tank the spawns at the beginning of the fight.

Surely Nefarian is a tad sturdier than the other bosses, so I couldn’t avoid the skeleton phase, followed by a Hunter’s call which instantly broke my crossbow. With no backup, I barely managed to kill Nefarian with my Hunter’s bare fists before the skeletons would kill off my bear. Now, surviving that made me smile.

Dragonstalker’s Helm dropped, which also helped. :slight_smile:


Damn, that’s one hell of a story.

Are you trying to “gear” from soloing?

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No, I’m just trying to include lowlevel chars in the weekly raid transmog farm rotation. Too lazy to level them up to 60 first. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s actually enough to be 50 for most :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways… the vault offered me a belt after so many runs. Now all I need is a better set of pants and I’m finally done with the gearing part apart from spamming valor runs.

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Got my last Flawless achievement. Now I just have to grind up 100k phantasma and I am done with Torghast until 9.2 :grin:

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Wen Lo sweet kitteh mount, coming for to carry me home!


Got back where I belong. On the Alliance! :blue_heart:


Welcome home!


Hit revered with shroom man in NF coven and bought mounts 615/616 :smiley:


Helping a newbie in Exiles Reach and getting thanked.


It have been 394 days worth of dailies, as consecutive as they can be playing WoW with some occasional small breaks during holidays and other happenings. And today, I just bought the 112th and last Jewelcrafting Design from the JC Token vendors on Dalaran. :partying_face:

(I still got 150 days or so left of the Cataclysm JC token grind. :expressionless: )