🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

thats got to be the funniest {redacted} ive seen all day xD


I love the new meta you guys have started tbh


That would be about 1.2 nonillion (1.2*10^30) posts in a year! Safe to say bot detection would have banned me before that could happen.


Also a good lesson for people to how easily comments can be fabricated!


Video, audio, and photo evidence can all have been manipulated.

People think this is somehow new because of AI and whatnot.

But as you can clearly see, it isn’t. :] Far, far from it.


It’s not and it’s so terrifying that it can happen to me, you, anyone here.

This has always been the case.


That’s why I hate lynching. Just thousands of people seeing some chat log, thinking they know everything, and getting worked into some frenzy and destroying someone’s life.

How much you want to bet this happened dozens of times in the Blizzard apocalypse a few years ago?

Unfortunately we will never resolve that bet. We’ll probably never know.


I guess it’s a bit offtopic but I know so many people whose lives were ruined over such lies. Actors who have been falsely accused and then proven to be innocent, yet the damage is done. And so many other things. I hate it


That explains why I love fire so much…

It’s also great for getting rid of the evidence. Though of course, that leaves evidence of its own…

Oh well. Fire Breath all around! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


My last vault for DF (or so I suppose this far) was jackpot for all my toons, an 509 neck to replace my main’s 470, and all 4 of my alts got tier pieces or items that convert to those. :dracthyr_love_animated:

If each reset was like that, I would consider playing this game again regularly :smiley: but I know the casino is only handy if all your gear is totally whack.

PS: my velf had another stored vault choice. Wonder why that is, maybe another old timewalking spree during leveling that counted for that back a few months ago? Whatever that was, its reward meant she got 2/5 tier! :dracthyr_nod:


i got the lfr raz plate wrist in my warriors vault
for this paladin i got nothing useful so i picked the 6 aspect merit tokens
exchanged some of them for wyrm crests other for flightstones
upgraded one shoulder to hc tier shoulder
curious about the mists remix lfr queues why are they like that some even saying 88 mins 1/2 hour?

I actually got something nice in the vault. Maybe Retail noticed I spent all my time in Remix :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I leveled a SP on retail and I have been having fun so far, still learning and I probably suck at it for now.
I haven’t play a caster in M+ for like four years maybe more :no_mouth:

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Decided to get back to WoD to farm parts of the Stormwind set for my warrior, and obviously I needed garrison resources due to starting from zero.

Began killing rares wherever I could find them, and got a talbuk mount from one of them :smile:

It should be the Swift Breezestrider from Pathrunner.

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I have gotten pretty much everything I wanted from Remix. Still have a lot of spare bronze should I want something else too; bought the original astral cloud serpent in addition to the shiny new golden one, and that’s the biggest expense I’ve had.

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I went to smack Ordos’s face in retail to show him he’s not so tough.


I totally love pandaria remixed. I haven’t cancelled social events for to play Wow since 2008! This weekend I did.


Been having a blast in MoP: Remix, to the point in which I took my low-level alts out of normal content and decided to level them up there instead.


i got 40k bronze on both my remix paladin and hunter
for paladin think i saved some bronze+ the 40k to upgrade some pieces
finished both hc dungeon and scenario achievements
and changed Cs hair and skin colour(sort-of ish same two options i picked on my alts)