🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

… enjoying remix - my focus being quests/ achievements and got both Astral mounts today, my aim was the blue one but when I saw people on the yellow one, had to get it :grinning:

…extra 40k in bronze was nice to receive this morning .

Been having a blast mopping up the achievements - I didn’t realise that some of the golden balls in the air also give thread so whilst flying around looking for rares flew through a few, did quite well :+1:


Diablo - 1950’s Super Panavision 70

Warcraft - 1950’s Super Panavision 70

Warcraft III - 1950’s Super Panavision 70

World of Warcraft - 1950s Super Panavision 70

Warcraft - 1950s Super Panavision 70

Elwynn Forest and Stormwind City

Yesterday I received compliments on my pandaria remix character’s name Kiwasaka. Little did they know it’s just Kawasaki with the letters swapped :eyes: but it made me happy


got the lfr paladin tier legs from remix lfr last stand of the zandalari on my paladin
i now only miss the wrist to complete the lfr tint
well that and i level a velf dk in remix and i got the tabard(in the mail i chose to keep the letter)
tho wasnt fun seeing one of the other ppl in my lfr group “proudly” admitting he sells boosts for mythic siege and/or complaining about stuff in a lfr group

and fighting the four celestials in timeless isle made me miss voice acted world bosses
then i noticed maiev(and tsunade VA apparently?) voices yu lon
tho her voice did remind me of hydaelyn in a way

and returning to sentinel hill on my lvl 59 xp locked female human paladin just to hear
the male human combat aggro sound “huh or hwoh” its as hilarious as it is amusing

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All you need is a drunk panda and a dream.

2: In siege of orgrimmar some guy was complaining. Everyone ignored him. He stopped complaining 2 bosses later. Good times!

That I dinge donged my goal of duelist and there is still couple months left of season. :dracthyr_a1:


Nice, well done.

Do like I do and spam alts on the Panda thingy.


I’m having a lot of fun making mogs for my priest. Clothies have some cool stuff to collect.
Shame that are not good at playing it, at least not like my dk.

Looking at what possibilities the new expansion will bring us in terms of character Transmogs, I started to think about a new look for my DH and finally, after many combinations, I will be able to create a “Drow” Demon Hunter in the next expansion and I am very happy about it. Although a little darker skin would be highly desirable.


The vault was nice to me, I think Retail knows I’m always in Remix atm :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I got into a mythic Aberrus run. It got the dress that I wanted for my priest (First boss) though we didn’t clear.
It was actually fun even if some of us were overgeared. Made me miss raiding.

I’m done unlocking jewelry on Remix.

Also a funny story: I did landfall campaign on a low level remixer and I got to a quest where I need to subdue sha afflicted soldiers in the Shrine of the Seven Stars. Turns out the mobs are level 40 and I’m level 24. I even tried to get help but the quest is phased and trying party sync boots me out of that phase. Luckily Anduin accompanies you on that quest so I just had to run away in circles in the hall while Anduin whittles them down with Smite. Took about 1-2 min per enemy for 6 of them.


I have been reading a few Wowhead articles on some of the known things in the upcoming expansion. I’m quite looking forward to it :slight_smile:


Mythic Garrosh down \O/


good news are i got the yellow swimwear set
and the single blue one piece(tho appearence? wise it cannot compare to the summer morning halter from the xiv store)
and also i brought my old shadow priest belf alt out of retirement
chose pandaria in chromie time
so far been having fun replacing the bfa notorious gladiator pvp epics i had since then

and another i picked this name for a new female belf war in remix and had a double take
i made the name swap powerskillz is Scarlett
and war who used to be scarlett is now Bladesong


I like when the orc strong man comes in the battleground, and dies And does the fart.

That I want more remixes with other expansions in the future, this has been so fun to collect stuff, once I got over the initial gearing costs.


Finally started the Pandaria remix and at lvl20 I received a pretty bird. :grinning:


I didn’t know about it either. Was a very nice surprise for sure.