šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Finally off work for the next 7 days. :tada:


WB Dunkiee
Sympathies Souldefiler - the roads in my town are horrendous and worse at night as the council has deemed street lighting too expensive. But you should probably have gratz for Achievement: 2 punctures at the same time

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A little :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Forumtroll could probably tell better.

Platinum quality, I bet!

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Gestures wildly at darkspear tabard

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I be choosinā€™ not to comment on dis.


Spent the past hour brushing out the winter coat of just one horseā€¦ another 4 to go. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Ooooft. So satisfying, though.

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Wait whaaaat, pizza is synonyme for that? Ive not heard of this. Cheesecake is not for anything atleast. Egg on the other handā€¦ :joy:

All this talk of food made me hungry, if were any decent around kitchen would bake some muffins today. :cupcake: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Priest now, havent bothered with the rdruids design in df for long time anymore. Nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, its season of the priest now. :pray: :angel:


Wait what? Okay now Soulā€™s post makes more sense.
I donā€™t get society, I really donā€™t :laughing:


Im confused too I think they were teasing us. But theres the saying rakkaudesta se hevonenkin potkii = even a horse kicks for love, meaning you only tease the ones you like. I only had horse step on my foot once, feet sink in mud. :joy:

Yes, my autism goes brr. I hate being teased because I never understand that I am being teased and get upset, then they laugh and say they are just teasing!
And I just stare and shake my head because I donā€™t get it.

As for horses, them stepping on your foot is horrrrible, many foot soaks. My dad once got kicked by a foal we had and he had a rainbow bruise on his thigh for quite a while!


Thank god the ground were muddy or the weight would shattered bones of my feet into dozen puzzle pieces lol.

No but he was just going for a play on words :wink:

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Brits are known to appreciate a good pun. :smiley:


Between had bit guinness and nap.

hides before scotland forever start playing

Septum Invicta!

It always is. :dracthyr_nod:

Also, I just got into the Fallout series, I started this ā€œlateā€ because of being a little too busy and I wanna watch all 8 episodes in my freebie amazon trial.

It earned all that praise so far, this is how you do a video game adaptation. And Iā€™m happy players are undusting the games too, thereā€™s some 5 million vault dwellers spending their time in the wastelands again!


It was really good, I hope the next season is sooner than 2026 :weary:




If I could be in Fallout, Iā€™d be a Deathclaw. For no other reason than to be a Deathclaw.

'Ave it!


Iā€™ve always wanted to be a robobrain!

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