🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Yeah I know exactly how you feel. It’s like when I ask people to slow down and explain something to me in better detail than just saying “OK IT’s easy just do that and then…” as they walk away, then they come back and I’m lost then they say what upsets me.

“What are you stupid?”

No. Not in the slightest. But thanks for that. Thanks.


That’s OK it’s only Celtic fans pretending they’re Irish that drink Guinness, or people in silly hats and green t shirts on St Patrick’s night (amazingly, ask them when St Andrew’s day is and you get a “whaa?? Scotland has a patron saint?”. Naw lad, ah just made that up…) everyone else drinks Tennant’s.

There is no escape.


I have to tell people to explain like I’m 5 but try to do it in a way that isn’t condescending.
I’m very good at explaining like I’m 5 and people always understand me… provided I can remember the accurate words and don’t just come out with “you put the stuff in the fing” although my mum seems to get gibberish :laughing:

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Krang! Lemme be Krang! :joy:


Ohhhhhh Myyyyyy… God…

Oh the memories… OH THE MEMORIES!! There really was no better time to be a kid than being born in the 70’s

No we do NOT talk about Michael Bay ruining yet another childhood memory of mine


That’s what upsets me most off and just makes me shut down. Do you sometimes feel like I do that you just want to scream at them “LOOK I HAVE PROBLEMS OK? GIVE ME SOME TIME AND DON’T TREAT ME LIKE IM AN IDIOT BECAUSE I ASSURE YOU I AM NOT!”

I found myself increasingly doing this more and more in WoW which is why I stopped doing group content like M+ etc.

Now I wait for the inevitable “oh you’re using that as an excuse”

Fine. If that’s what you want to believe. But tell me. What’s YOUR excuse for being so unpleasant to be around with you forced people to stop playing?"

Edit. “You” is used as an impersonal pronoun it is not intended to single out a person

Yes, I do. However, I am conflict averse so usually I am quite polite and at most can be sharp. This usually works in making people shocked though because I am usually so quiet and polite. Once a teacher was treating me like an idiot, and I had assumed they knew I had a learning disability because they were supposedly sent the information. So I looked them in the eye, which is really hard for me to do and sharply said “I have a learning disability.”

Oh man did they change their tune. They went so nice and apologetic. Even if I didn’t have one, though, they should never have acted that way. I know I’m not dumb, I have tha grades and degrees to prove it, I just don’t think like other people.

Also annoying is when there is like 1 thing you don’t get and soon as that is explained the rest falls into place… but they keep explaining. You’re like stop, I get it, no I’m fine now go away, just- STOP. I only had 1 teacher who understood that and thankfully it was my GCSE maths teacher because without her I would have failed. Got a B. Pretty chuffed. I don’t miss school :dracthyr_cry_animated:

It is the best in slot way to exist, mechanical body and just brain. :joy:

I am so jealous of school kids nowadays. When I was at school they had just brought in “Standard Grades” which every single person who worked in Education except the Ministry of Education who brought it in all unanimously said it would ruin every single pupil’s career prospects over night. And they were right.

And my maths teacher was an absolute joke of a teacher, his idea of addressing a problem a pupil had was to slowly tear himself away from the 3 “Credit” level pupils he was concentrating on and force himself to look over your shoulder and I quote, “God you’re so f… useless” and walk away back to his prized 3 kids who would make his class results look good if at least one kid got good “Credit level” grades of 1 or 2.

I quickly learned along with others that going to his class would be as productive as sitting on the pavement poking the gutters with sticks wasting time.

So that’s what we did.

Only teacher who saw my potential was my English teacher who bless her heart, would roll her eyes and sigh when she would give the class essays and say to the class “now you only need to write two or so pages.” Then look at me and say “Not two hundred and twenty-two young mister Ogilvie”.

I found out years later that she would take them home and read them.


I went to a grammar school, which I am very thankful for because I would not have survived in a public school and they were mostly brilliant teachers. However, beyond dyslexia they were somewhat clueless and useless and when I went to a public college, that’s when I got the most help.

Not a New Vegas Deathclaw, I hope. Those freaks triply earned their names.

Talk about a giant beast that 2-shots even max level enemies, just because.

On the other hand, the ones in 4 felt like a noodle especially with power armor on.

Myself, I’d be a BoS soldier in a giant tin can, armed with a Fat Man. Guess who’d I target first, and guess if Soul’s remains would be small enough to feed to the maggots…

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Ad Victoriam brother. First its the brotherhood, then it is the mission, then it is the knight. Glory to ambition. Brothers in arms.

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I were jealous to hear of coding theyre teached nowadays. We were teached how to draw stickman with paint and move it onto floppy disk, the advanced course was like how to send email and how to open pictures with connection that takes 5 minutes to load it one slice a time. And then many years later I hear my younger brother is teached coding as the basics in school. I feel they were privileged to all that our generation had to figure ourselves. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I wonder if there will be some personal AI type of thing in future kinda like smartphones now the pocket computers everyone are carrying, and in future it would be replaced with some AI wrist watch type of thing that people can just ask questions and it provides them solutions and answers for everything. It would be genious as invention but I dont know about the affects to mankind.

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lol these were the state of the art cutting edge computers we were taught on…

We were computing gods spending hours typing

10 CLS
20 PRINT (insert message here, usually so and so loves so and so)
30 GOTO 20

then after that we spent the rest of the 45 minute period wasting time until we were mind numbingly bored playing what could be very loosely described as “snake”


I let my sadistic streak run riot with NV Deathclaws by finding the old mine that is now a Deathclaw nest with mommy and pappy Deathclaw with their kids and sending the old NCR soldier companion (I forget his name but you first meet him when he is on top of a guard post) to take them on while I stand 2 miles away and snipe them.

He never lasts long poor fella.

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Maximus more than understood that phrase :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If you mean the fella in Novac, that’s Boone. And he’s supposed to be a sniper, not an assaulter xD

Of course, sniping Quarry Junction is really the best thing you can do. Even with the AMR it took me quite a few reloads to finish those freaks… and in my current playthrough I’d have to level up to about 20 by when I find a proper set of big guns.

A Ratslayer varmint rifle, an M1 Garand and a unique plasma rifle is sadly too little against those beasts…


The 480 Ilvl expectation for a normal Vault raid people expect was a bit disheartaning but to be honest, the Black Temple TW raid and the WB and the chest and the TW dungeons drops quite a nice gear to understand why many would want a smoother run with hefty Ilvl
So time to grind … again
Oy vey…


That brings back memories. I remember at school I had to make a program to control lights for a stage.

That’s what got me into code and now do for a living.

Do you remember Lemmings? All of our school computers had that game… and only that game! Spent many lunch breaks in the computer room playing that. :rofl:

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Made in my hometown Dundee!

In a little studio on the Nethergate.

They then went on to create the best selling videogame of all time, Grand Theft Auto.