🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

I’ve still got a copy of Lemmings from Windows 95. It still works to this day on Windows 11.

Always makes me laugh when I read the system requirements as it just says “Windows” and nothing else.

I still play GTA to this date too, another great game!


Little known fact about GTA, it was originally a PS1 title ported to PC.

Another little known fact, DMA Design had a licence with Nintendo but Nintendo cancelled it after they disapproved of a game called Body Harvest.

This was when Nintendo was in its overly zealous kiddy friendly phase, which to be fair helped it dominate the 8bit era.

DMA then went on to concentrate fully on Amiga and the rest is, as they say, history.

I remember it on PS1. I’ve never owned a playstation but my friend had one at the time and that’s how I got introduced to GTA.

Nintendo was my console when I was a kid, owned most of them at some point up to the Wii which I just hated.

Remember having an Amiga 600 too. My first home computer was an Amstrad 464 with a green monitor.

Lemmings and Worms from the early 90s were great. :smiley:

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Oh, i completly forgot about Worms
 another fab game i spent way too much time on! :rofl:


Use to love lemmings, so many silly ways to send the little buggers to their deaths. Plingey and myself banged out a lot of worms on Game cube XD worms 3D that is.

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lol same.

Harrier Attack

Oh Mummy.


And ofc

lol, yep. They were the games that come with it and were some of the best ones too.

I had almost 3000 games for that computer. I’d buy a bunch a c90 blank cassettes and go to the local market with my pocket money, buy some games for like 25-50p each and take them home and copy them on my HiFi system, then take them back. Could get a good 30+ games just on one c90 :rofl:

and every single game was either controlled by a joystick or used the keys Q (up) A (down) O (left) P (right) SPACE BAR (actions)

lol mentioned this before but I used to copy CPC and SPeccy games on my dad’s hi fi that had two take decks, one for playing and one that could record the playing tape so I had a nice business copying games for other kids that lived in my multi and the one behind me and in front of me.

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Hehe, so it wasn’t just me that did it then
 such fab memories!

The fun part of all that was remembering to note the counter numbers for each game so you could FF to the correct place in the tape for each game.

Hello from Scotland. The incredible thing is a lot warmer here than in Italy actually.


Hello from England. Its 11 degrees down south, cloudy but sunny .:slight_smile:


It’s been awesome all week, bit cold some early mornings but it’s been great all week. Where are you in this fine country?

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Been like that most of the week. Looks beautiful, I open the back door, then realise it’s freezing and close it again :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Hehe, it’s a bit like that, yeah. Open car window, thinking of the summer breeze, and then realize, wait, this isn’t Spain
 it’s outer London. :broken_heart: :cold_face:

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Mini lime cheesecakes mmm yeah! :woman_cook:

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hahaha, close, but we all agreed lemon cheese cake is on top here.

Someone please talk about the TV series Expanse with Aethana so I don’t have to watch it.

It’s a great series

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The best show ever produced. :slight_smile:

2 euro lidl limoncello cheesecake. :ok_hand: