🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

I loved season 1 and season 2 but beyond that I couldn’t care less, once blue goo was mostly gone it turned into a snorefest for me. Plus they had to fire that guy because he was a perv and so the show took a weird turn. I just didn’t bother with the final season.

I like both :person_shrugging: probably do lemon next time.

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I’m staying in Edinburgh all the time with a friend of mine. I planned to go in sterling today (I was there in 2001) but we woke up late cuz I preferred to chill out here.
Wonderful country as usual


Didnt they fire the pilot cos he had met girl in bar that gave him her number and the actor had sent her drunk txt “how ya doing?” type which the girl leaked into social media and it turn into huge thing from nothing and cancelled the actor from the show. I remember that incident and thought it was the dumbest thing. Guy lost his job in the show over a txt msg lol. Charlie Sheen got fired for punching producer in his show made more sense to me. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

But it was just one actor among 10-15 good characters they had writen on the show so it didnt ruin it too much for me, plus its 6 seasons long series so there is plenty of character development and with the plot than just the one guy who fly their ship. The show could be described as game of thrones of space really, mars, earth and people living in space all wiggleing for power. Typical power struggle between factions type of setting in future.

Miller, Avasarala, Amos, Camina Drummer were my favorite characters of the show with honorable mention to Drummer. :ok_hand:

One of my favorite scenes from Miller when earther ask that detective in the space station why he wears earth clothes in space when his never been to earth and he lives in space “why wear hat in space station?” and Miller answers him that so rain dont fall to his head. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Amazing Books, sadly the Series got cancelled, I hope this doesn’t happen to 3 Body Problem too.

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3 body problem has seemed pretty interesting sci-fi after finished this some alternative timeline show called for all mankind with also space theme.

I hope someday mankind can as collective effort focus more funding into space programs than something like bahama cruises on massive yachts or race cars driving around ovales which seem kinda pointless in long term but sure brings people joy in short term happiness.

I find solidarity anyway from the thought that were all trying to live on same rock existing in vast universe. It helps put things in perspective and helps focus on what matter. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I didn’t look into the details I just went “oh for crying out loud” because they’re finding practically every actor doing it.

I used to hope we’d come together for Roddenberry’s vision but with recent events we just seem to be getting further and further apart. The real world really, really depresses me and I want nothing to do with it.

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Space and mysteries of its universe can still be interest to us even if it wouldnt be for the masses. :slight_smile:

I thought that was okay but I wasn’t blown away by it.

3 Body Problem? If it’s like the book series then it really picks up steam in the 2nd and 3rd Season, the First one is more setting the Stage, there are also huge Time jumps inbetween.

Haven’t been to Edinburgh for a long time, Stirling either.

If you get the chance I suggest you take a road trip up the A9 to Inverness and back down again, or even the Glenshee snowroad (A93) from Blairgowrie to Braemar, both start from Perth but are great road trips in the sun, especially the A93.

A93 Snowroad heading to Braemar



I haven’t been all the way up the A9 for a long time but the A9 will take you round the west side of Loch Ness and the west side of Cairngorms National Park.

Or you could even visit the Angus Glens, Isla (my clan home), Clova, Prosen, Lethnot and Esk.

GlenIsla at the entrance


Glen Esk, which is at the very edge of Angus.



Don’t get me wrong I binged it and it had a great cast.

Will wait and see what happens next.

Wow nice places! I visited loch Lomond and Glencoe zone previously. This time I’m just here in edi but I’ll comeback for sure for a longer trip.
And Angus could be interesting to explore.
The only problem is the diversity in driving… today I risked 3 times to die cause i checked the wrong side…
I can’t imagine while driving…

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lets not lets not lets not lets not go there…

If I had a penny for every time I swore at a tourist while driving to Pitlochry or Tummel Bridge I would be able to retire very comfortably lol…

It was something like this…

Video contains strong language, open at your own discretion

edit. had to remove video for caption language. To see video just type in youtube search bar scotsman vs sheep


Such a way with words :smiling_face_with_tear:

I was VERY polite when I encountered these guys on a route…

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Nothing can rival The Expanse really, its still nice to have some sci-fi after it. :smiley:

Could move Finland, apparently we are worlds happiest country. :joy:

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The one sheep that just didnt understand to move with the herd. The videos were good, I also got suggestion next of “Funny Scottish guy hates spiders” the accent and honest reactions are funny. :joy:

Wow, over here it looks like that above 2000m. Where I live it’s more like this:

Not really warm yet (we had 25-26° a couple weeks ago, much cooler now with rain).