🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

They say nature is peaceful, helicopter land next to car after walk. Moped car had cruised the moped in a ditch on road and the heli were looking for place to land. :smiley:

I had it the first time round and it flared me bad and I think I’ve only just started coming out of it. I decided no more after the second shot and stayed indoors. My dad worked from home, we got food delivered and the only going outside was walking the dogs and staying away from people (which I didn’t even do). I was the least sick I’ve ever been… bar the fibro flare. So! You have my complete sympathies in your suffering.

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Second covid shot got me fevery for next day and the next. But then I got covid later from some guy going around the room in gym telling everyone how he personally doesnt believe in the use of masks and how he has been travelling entire time during covid flying around europe and never used mask. Next week I had covid. Start of next year I had symptoms that seem to be autoimmune disease called rheuma. Never got to thank the guy. :smiley:

The sum of random coincidences in a nutshell. Public places are always a bit risk cause of random variation of people and their varying understanding for something. :smile:

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At least it didn’t land on your car … that would be even less peaceful


That would made it hilarious :joy:


I think chances are if someone has something and you are in the same room as them for a while, you’re gonna get it. The fact you had a hidden autoimmune probably made you more susceptible. I stopped getting my flu jab because I got more sick just going to get it than not! I am not the common person though, I am pretty isolated.

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Theres the saying that have a plan and somebody laughs at it, can try avoid something to a degree but then something can happen anyway and we adapt. It is smart to do best one can to their capabilities to avoid something bad in any case. :smiley:

Quite frankly I am amazed none of us got covid or at least symptoms that made us think we had covid. There’s a fun meme though:

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Thats some The Grey Into the Fray poster there :smiley:

If only the wolves in the movie would been introduced for some pepperone pizza they would maybe left the oil workers alone!

Sorry I don’t know the reference

Its a poem from the movie which according the story the characters father had writen after ww1 if I remember right. Might remember wrong too, it was long time ago that seen it. The oil workers on the film after a plane crash are attacked by these wolves that apparently attack people. :smiley:

Okay… don’t quite get the link beyond it’s a wolf.
That there is insanity wolf nods

Wolves dont really go around attacking adult people, it makes no sense. It is only movie. We got wolves and bears and not a single human incident of any attack has been reported in years.

No they don’t. I don’t get the movie picture either. Nevermind, moving on!

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And people dont post here about what others arent interested in?

Im the only one am i?

I dont think that point is valid in the slightest the difference there is people hate when i post.

I do absolutely nothing if someone posts about themselves or something im not personally interested in.

Now think about that and tell me whose in the wrong there?

As far as the clones go i dont reply to them havent in a long while.

They just got their own reasons for doing it at this point.

They post completely out of random even when im not actively posting.


If the mods take no proper action against them they will just continue doing it, not much i or anyone else can do about it.

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Sorry, I was just making suggestions of things that might make posting here easier for you.

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Hi there from across the pond. It’s still halfway chilly here but starting to get warmer. Today’s weather was around 80F and nice. :slight_smile:




Gnome on a piglet. How could anyone take this much cuteness. Its like a super power. :smiley:

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