🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Oh absolutely. Little opportunist thieves, the lot of them. The girls wouldn’t dare but the boy is a little monster!

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Limmy’s show scetches like adventure calls somehow always amused me from the scottish comedy shows :joy_cat:

Fergus has now lost most if not all of his baby teeth!



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Reminds me of the time our old greyhound was still alive - there i was , tucking into a nice, greasy, coronary inducing kebab when i stupidly shut my eyes firxa second. Next thing, the aforementioned mutt was on the other end of my kebab - itcwas like the spaghetti scene from ‘Lady and the Tramp’.

As a side note, she was a direct descendant of the famous racing dog "Mick the Miller ’
Just wish i still had the old pic of my parrot on my shoulder while trying to eat a calzone


I still remember the time I went in to start a shift at Morrisons and I passed a guy in the “Market Street” browsing the vegetables with a stunning pure white cockatiel on his shoulder.

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So we can skip all weeklys this week if we aint getting full spark. 1 spark per 2 week Im just gonna get 2 halves next week. :dracthyr_a1:

I think maybe you can get two sparks if you improve your MMR with a 5-2 mglad rsham :thinking:

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Spare hooman

Cat Quest 2 is free on epic great ones.

NGK ftw

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I mean if theyre giving us half spark per week now, I dont need to do any effort this week if Im not going to be able craft any gear from it anyway, Ill just wait for next week and do the quests when I can actually have whole spark and make the item I want to craft instead waste time this week for skirmishes example which I detest.

I know few people including myself who were confused after done skirmish and rbg weeklys yday to find out we only gain half now instead 2 halves like so far every season. People had no idea it was changed, but we can just do the quests every second week and build the item then, till its changed into 2 halves per week again. Theres some specs that have multiple item as crafted and I imagine they are not happy for more timegating on it with the change. I can manage with 2 crafted on the 3 classes Im going to play in this season atleast.


Took a week for my armory to update, but I’ve changed mogs since :sweat_smile: guess that evil circle starts anew.


Ma boy dog has some painkillers now, hope it helps him. I forsee knee ops in his old age… what a joy that will be to go through again(!) :laughing:


Is it the Armory that is slow or the forums. IF the armory has updated log out, clear cache and log back in often triggers the update. However if the armory isn’t updating the forum has nothing to base it on.

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That one definitely looks like it’s the meta.

I did exactly what you said there but it’s most likely the forum being slow. There’s something in the machinery, you know, leftey loosey, righty tighty… :sweat_smile:

Or maybe I shouldn’t be bartering with the technicians for bottlecaps cheap gold. Do tell me, then, how else am I supposed to get my tools for aggressive defense? Explosives never came cheap. :slightly_frowning_face:

When the Cleric calls in their God

So this is when I should be equipping myself with baits for distraction when you sic him on me?

A little dash here, some seasoning there and he’ll exactly know which maiden NOT to bite assuming she has some roasted spiced bear meat in hand…

Straight from the oven, originating from the many bears of Thaldraszus.

Anyways, he’s a nice little boy there. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Puppy teeth are sooo much sharper and owie! Little needles!

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