🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

My experience is that you cannot reason with these people. It’s like trying to do it with a religious zealot.

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It just wasn’t a funny movie despite it having SNL people in it. Which in itself is no sure fire way to make it a smash hit as SNL stopped being a significant comedy source a few years ago now.

I mean look at some of the main running themes in it.

“The Won Ton” joke.

It was the updated version of the “Twinkie” joke from the original. The Twinkie segment was done in 10 seconds.

The “Won Ton” lasted the entire movie.

"The “reverse sexism” theme.

The receptionist played by Chris Hemsworth being portrayed as an absolute imbecile. His main joke was having a dog he called “Mycat”.

Yes you read that right. A dog called “Mycat”.

It’s really a travesty how the scriptwriter lost out on an Oscar.

Janine in the original was in no way whatsoever portrayed as a stereotypical dizzy blonde recpetionist.

She was a perpetually bored cynic only there for the pay check and had a passing romantic interest in Egon Spengler who was absolutely apathetic to her affections.

Sigourney Weaver as Dana, (oh do remind me how little impact she had on the movie) absolutely beating every scene she was in as she is wont to do.

But the greatest irony is.

All the claims about sexism, misogny, all the hoohah was all carefully calculated by SONY Pictures and by the director who knew that their movie was going to bomb badly, so rather than hold up their hands and say “Yeah, sorry, we made a bad movie. But we learned from our mistakes and we’ll do better next time”, no. Much easier and better publicity to simply scream “SEXISTS RUINED OUR MOVIE” All the reviews then all focused on this idea, that the reason the movie failed wasn’t because it was simply a terribly written and acted movie, it was my fault for being a sexist.

How very sexist to make such a sweeping generalisation of your potential viewers based on their gender.


There is not enough strong cats in movies. The cats are just treated as cute pets. Completely outrageous.

Top 10 Cats in Movie History

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Is the straw man and scapegoat par excellence in this age xD

And this is the paradox of those who defend all this ideals. That then they are precisely the same thing they criticize.

A year ago I was banned from the forum several times for criticizing this very thing. Well, it’s true that when I get angry I can be very rude, but sometimes it’s not easy to stay calm.

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I hate reboots in general but especially with just for the sake of diversity. Why can these people not come up with new stories that star minorities? Give people something to actually identify with rather than a paint job to feel included. Lazy, lazy writing. Superheroes are the worst for this, fortunately I never much cared for them.


I only liked the Battlestar Galactica one. The original series was very crappy, the reboot hooked me.

Well to be fair the original was just a cheap rip off of Star Wars, the only redeeming feature was the same modeller who worked on Star Wars worked on BG.

If you thought that was bad however you should have seen the second season where they tried to make it into an episode based tv show.

It was…


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I generally avoid superhero movies as I grew up reading the comics. The only movies I can say I enjoyed was the original X Men trilogy with P Stewart as Professor Xavier and Ian McKellen as Magneto. The only blip in my eyes was Tyler Mane’s portrayal of Sabretooth whereas Liev Schreiber’s portrayal in Wolverine Origins WAS the Sabretooth I knew from the comics.

(X men nerd time. Oh no says the forum…)

Mane’s portrayal of Creed was what Creed WANTED to be seen as, as an animal relying on basic instincts to kill to protect himself.

He wanted to excuse himself from the simple truth that he was nothing more than a cold blooded killer completely in control of his emotions, he just chose to embrace the psychotic side and blame everyone else for his own pathetic cowardice to admit he was nothing more than a cold blooded murderer.

Schreiber however, nailed Creed for what he was, and very accurately portrayed the Creed I knew from the comics from the somewhat kiddie friendly X Men titles, although MARVEL brilliantly brought sensitive adult issues such as racism, sexism, the AIDS epidemic and social justice to a young audience, to the more adult Wolverine titles where viciously graphic fights were brought to the readers. Fights such as Wolverine pouncing on Creed as Creed is stalking him, and gouging 6 claws into Creed’s back tearing his back open.

The other comic book movie I feel is greatly under rated is Dredd.

No not the absolute hip thrusting look at me I’m Sylvester Stallone travesty that was Judfge Dredd, (the only redeeming feature in that was showing some of the absurdities of life in Mega City One and how justice is instantly served) but the significantly more dark and more to the source material Karl Urban feature.

For context, the reason Dredd never removes his helmet is because he is supposed to define the hidden face of justice. Let’s get one thing clear. Dredd is NOT a hero.

he is a fascist who is utterly committed to the system of the Judges ruling the planet and other planets and dispensing rules and laws as they see fit, and any resistance is crushed immediately regardless of the cost.

In the Dredd movie right from the bat we are shown the harsh reality of life in a city that contains 900 million people. We are shown how he ruthlessly cuts his way through what seems an endless wave of people trying to kill him to his main goal which is to dispense justice to the gang leader.

And while doing all this, examining the recruit Anderson and testing her worthiness to be a Judge.

But sadly a lot of Dredd was lost on the American audience, who just saw Dredd as another Die Hard rip off and mixed in with a director who didn’t care for the movie and the decision to make it 3d all gathered to make it a loss making movie, but it has become a cult classic.

Judge Dredd I feel and hope would be best served by going down the Fallout TV show, there is just far too much canon and lore in the World of Dredd to be contained in a handful of movies.

The Dark Judges.
PJ Maybe.
The Fatties.
The Cursed Earth.

and of course.

Mega City 1 itself.

What a ripe field of fruit there is.

Too many words head hurt.

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My good sir, are thou accusing me of merely coddiwompling my meandering thoughts onto the medium before me and therefore enabling and facilitating a rather unpleasant sensation into your thought processes?

I will have you know my very long and infinitely interesting posts are legendary for wooing the members of the fairer sex into the boudoir.

The fact they then fall asleep for 10 hours is irrelevant.


I only know the reboot and my mum enjoyed it, though found Starbuck being a woman very odd :smiley:

Watched those too as a kid and I of course love Sir Pat from Star Trek. His memoir was a wonderful read. I watched some superhero cartoons as a kid if nothing else was on - I liked Christian Bale as Batman and Tobey Maguire as Spiderman but anything after that? Nope. The whole avenger franchise… can’t be bothered with it.

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Let the man infodump! Just skip past it if it hurts your head (like mine :eyes: I saw P Stewart and missed the rest)


While admittedly I didn’t read it due to lack of interest in subject, I don’t mind long posts (that one was worthy of Brigster) and I know Souly can take a joke/silly response to his posts :+1:t2:

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I just didn’t know what anything was after the word Magneto. I went oh I must be too young here. Also I can’t read comics so I never got into that.

I’m up for the 10 hour sleep though. :thinking:

I can do comics, but not 10 hours sleep. 9 or more and I get terrible migraines lasting a full day.

Huh. Never heard that before.
Do you actually sleep for those 9 hours? Do you… feel this mythical rested feeling?

I more or less spend the 9 hours trying to get comfy, shut my head up and stay asleep. Permanent zombie, undead irl.

No, I mean, if I somehow sleep more than 8, 9+ in other words, that messes me up. I typically have 6, but get by fine with 4. So I always make sure the alarm is at 8 hours max.

But… you actually sleep properly with those? :eyes:


Obviously it varies a bit with a person’s physiology, but iirc the rules are that your brain needs 4, your body needs 6 and ideally you should have 8. I feel perfectly fine with 4, have most my life, but typically I naturally wake after 6 unless I have to get up at a spesific time.