šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m moving to the UK :smile: itā€™s ā€œonlyā€ 26 degrees here but if youā€™re a laborer, might as well be 30+.

Actually, might be better at the next workplace. I should be starting work elsewhere in a month roughly assuming everything works out just fine.


No pics of UK landscape from dog walk today(sorry, Alythena) ,but heres 2cpics from my back garden

Firstly a bee feeding up

And a male Brimstone butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamni) doing same

And no, i didnā€™t Google the Latin name of tbe butterfly


Anything thats not made of concrete is to my liking alteast and bumblebees are fun creatures, I fancyed the previous pics from the dogo walk aswell lots of green hills as far as eye can see oh yes. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Were having bit of sunny day here aswell, getting ā€œfomoā€ fear of missing out effects here being inside, think the alure of sun and promise of spring is too strong and also need to go for a walk in the park :smiley:


Lovely sit in the sun this morning with the dogs, listening to the birds. It gets too noisy throughout the rest of the day and of course the obligatory BBQ smell that everyone rushes to do the minute we see any summerish weather here.
Lawnmowers, car washing, screaming children, hammers bangingā€¦ bleh. But the morning is grand.

I thought harsh disciplining was a thing of the past.

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Yeah it is moot, I realised that a while ago.

Especially when you posted this, which just leads me to believe youā€™ve only seen the two movies and not read the source material.

Like I said.

No. Not in the slightest.

18Ā°C here today and rain is about to startā€¦ :cloud_with_rain:


As an avid storm lover, ig love to be in France right now


I have no clue why keep replying to a day old random casual banter from the thread to me on this manner or debate something which Ive not said, but Ive said to have no interest on it and that youre misinterpreted me in first place and I do not have interest to debate of the matter. There are plenty of topics on the thread to discuss or reply for that do not cause friction than keep replying to me in attempts to debate of something Ive said to have no interest on, Ill proceed now with an ignore so thats the end of it from my end.

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I did try say few times politely of not want debate of the matter so my last option is ignore, I wouldnt mind some cake tho. Also love the gifs :slight_smile:

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Readtheroom has liked 16 of your posts. I have a keen fan. Thank you. I agree, it is good ability to read room and avoid unneccesary scenes or friction in general in all things.


Offtopic, but you too use a Samsung Galaxy by chance? The notification bar on top is the same exact one that I have.

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Guys, please avoid drama. This is not what we are here for.

Yes, a Samsung Galaxy A12

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Sisterā€™s birthday today, hitting 50ā€¦

Iā€™m not far behindā€¦ God Iā€™m old, soon to be hitting that half a century milestone. :frowning:


Ditto but not that exact one. Actually Iā€™m disappointed in it in some ways though itā€™s fine as a phone.
I bought the Galaxy for better photos than my previous phone. Views etc are ok but for the main thing I use it for (taking photos of old books - itā€™s my job) itā€™s incredibly annoying. It insists on brightening up every photo of a dull old book. Itā€™s supposed to look dull and old - thatā€™s what my customers expect ā€¦ which means editing every photo in the hope I can get rid of enough of the brightness.
Sorry, rant over.

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48 here. sometimes feels like 80 :smiley: