šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Before they had this operation i even offered to go to the gym with them, claiming i could change their body if they went with me.

But they opted for the easy route.


Tbh itā€™s only the GD chat that keeps me coming back.

I almost wrote target tummies in another thread due to this conversation xD


I stopped paying attention to these videos once fake weights got popular, its hard to tell anymore what is real when everyone are juiced and top of that using some plastic weights painted to look iron. Its kinda gone silly the whole industry. But I get it, its to get views and make money. Seems like with alot things in social media is to make money and promote something. I can only imagine what AI gonna do next on that field, I guess it is what it is. :smiley:

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GD chat is the best chat I agree :joy:


Roscoe and Wee Fergus video!! I forgot that its a bit windy on the beach lol, warm day that it was.


I find the whole gym culture weird and fake (autism goes brr?) and I just donā€™t get it.
Exercise for me came from walking the dogs, mucking the horses out, doing DIYā€¦ kind of what I perceive as natural stuff.

Now, I try to walk the dogs and at most Iā€™ll do yoga, which I see more as stretching as I donā€™t do all this meditative rubbish (I note it works for a lot of people but I am not one of them) and thatā€™s more to manage my fibro.

But go to a yoga class and be allā€¦ dressed for it and instagram about it and have weird protein shakes? Mmm no. :joy: At most Iā€™d go to a swimming pool only because I donā€™t own one and that was more fun as a kid pretending to be a mermaid.

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For me it start with old bench and bag at attic that stepfather was cool enough to snatch from work and later it turn to habbit in gym with weightlifting, I enjoyed it for 20 years. Now I just go for walk and do some chin ups and dips on park, everything hurts. I get wind knocked out of me from just walking 30min and I used to run regularly. It is what it is. :smiley:

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Is that due to your arthritis?
I can see needing to go to the gym for the equipment and just keeping fit in general, maybe there is some social element to it for other people idk but this body building stuffā€¦ I donā€™t get it. Imo they just look weird :joy:

I used to be able to walk the dogs for an hour everyday and now I can barely manage 20 twice a week, if the weather is good.
The worst part is I canā€™t do most daily things without struggling. Iā€™ve built myself back up to be able to do most of it but some days itā€™s like it goes to 0 ā€œno you may not fill up a kettle today! SUFFER!ā€ pain/fatigue conditions suck!

Swimming is really good for us though, you should go to that lake! Or is the sea. Either way, free swimming :sunglasses:

We have alot rheumas on both sides family but it can be multiple things, could have fibro aswell. I dunno, I just enjoyed running and lifting weights. Forrest Gump type of thing, ā€œI just felt like runningā€ Ive had worse habbits younger. :rofl:

I wont stop anyway. I walk daily and I do chin ups and dips on park few time week, hopefully on summer go do something moderate in gym with weights.

Your right, no reason pay for gym unless need progress on some specific like barbell is hard at home if you want squat or bench specific weights. You can easily do bodyweight movements free. My doc told me that theres no point doing anything that dont make you happy, do something that you enjoy. I like video games so I play them. :smiley:

We have alot of both, gonna do that in both when weather is bit warmer, makes also great day trip with lunch. Theres dozen lakes I want to see this summer and then theres the cliffs by the sea aswell. :smiley:

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Pretty much everything fitness wise on social media is fake in one way or another.

Natty guys dont get clucks because natty guys arent big and muscular, they are lean and athletic.

Most of the top viewed influencers are on juice or have taken it at somepoint in their career

You just dont go past a certain size being natural.


Barely even 20y guys doing 80kg overhead press with barbell like its air, only thing I could make sense of was if they were in some sports like american football from which I knew few. But any who do that for just ego Idk but I guess all live their own lives anyways, alot start taking something these days from teens onwards. They dont go gym to do it to be ā€œhealthyā€ but thats another topic. They dont develop that quick strength by eating alot oatmeal, I think natty averagely is like 5kg muscle per year and that would be with really optimal rests and eating. Now were seeing teens in gym explode in year, its too common even.

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I do gymainly to help with my mental health.

Most people i meet, especially in the gym, even people outside the gym now think i do it for looks

It was never about that for me.

I set myself strength goals to keep me motivated, its a nice feeling being able to lift heavier and heavier weights which you know for a fact you couldnt move before.

I get comments on my physique alot now from people i just laugh and shake it off.

People have even asked me how i got to my current physique, i just say time and dedication.

They dont need to know the darkness iny head which drives me forward.


Any training really is really good as hobby. I quit lifetime smoking with running, the motivation from seeing the difference kept me going. But in general I think the whole fitness industry has gone bit wild now and the image of what people should be, I think all should just do what they find fun for them. :smiley:


They say fitness is a drug.

Its true once you get tothe point where you notice change its easy to want more.

As for 80kg overhead barbell it is possible to do that as a natural, even at 20 if you have good genetics and a fitness history.

Im 38 currently, kinda old to be doing this some say but my current overhead press is 95kg natural.

Im not a pro or elite lifter either. I catagories in the intermediate to advanced.


Like any goals and hobbyes that keeps us going. I think its good. :smiley:


Agreed, ill stop talking about it now though.

People here tend to not like my talk about fitness and gym.

Claim people arent interested in it.

Cyas :slight_smile:


Its a cute trapā€¦

Linked you collection of cat videos everywhere, enjoy :joy_cat:

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The cat distribution system still works i see :smile:


Internet is for cat videos, we communicate through them with my fren Aellas :smiley: