šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Cats love me. They have always followed me and sat on me etc.
I am a bit wary of them due to their claws and I have only ever owned dogs, but I like all animals. So I will happily sit and stroke one or play with it but I ainā€™t touchinā€™ your tummy mate oh hooo no!

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Peeps all hatin mondays when its just another day in the week trying get through the day. :joy_cat:

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I want the fluffiest cat with the longest white fur so it can act as robot cleaner while it roams around my flat and collect dust, like two birds with one stone type a thing. :smiley:


No the tummy area can be dangerous. My cat accepts it, but i cant quite decide if she likes it or not :laughing: my mom had one that would bite and scratch if u accidentally got near his tummy.


I googled cat breeds and get hit of this 12kg cat of someones ā€œmaineā€ pet. What in earth is that.


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Reminds me of those giant Khajit in ESO :joy:


And why does it has to look so scary, it doesnt help either that its huge. :joy:

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Perfection, thanks hooman!

Thats a massive cat, guess its a maine con (apparently not allowed to write it with 2 oā€™s).

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Until I first met Baron, our late doggo that almost looked like a samoyed, I was your opposite.

I was scared of dogs beforehand, even small ones, when I was little, because my auntā€™s old german shepherd bit me when I was like 4 years old. He didnā€™t mean to harm me apparently, just wanted me to play with him as well, not just the plastic balls :smile: also my momā€™s always been a cat person and we still have a female to this day, sheā€™s about 6 years old now. Her kittens always die off, however - I think aging took its toll on her.

So anyway, Baron changed all that. I got used to his nibbling in a month as I was babysitting him all summer, and Iā€™ve always been happy to approach dogs ever since.

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I always had dogs ā€¦ the last one died about 10 years ago I suppose. He was a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Retriever cross. Far too big for me to manage but a very loyal happy friend.


Sorry you had that experience, dogs can be mouthy especially as pups as thatā€™s their way to communicate but unfortunately hoomans are a bit more delicate and donā€™t have fluff to protect them when they are too rough! Baby needle teeth ouchie ouchie!

With cats they can retract their claws and the are much sharper than dogs I find, though donā€™t get me wrong I am covered in bruises and scratches from my big galumps but my grandmaā€™s cat ran over my bare foot once as a kid, from behind the sofa and hoooooooo boy. Ow.

I also donā€™t know cat body language that well, whereas dogs and horses I understand it better than humans.


Unless youā€™re disabled or physically unable to you can start things at 60 even if not later, donā€™t let anyone stop you (:

Khajiit has wares if you have coin.

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Talking frog and snake.

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Perfect candidate and reason to elect for office :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Ppl take the solo part of these modes too literally, games still team based combined effort and they actually need pay attention to what others are doing aswell even if they que solo somewhere.

If I think it logically then dps can stop doing dps for moment but heals cant really stop healing if people are taking dmg or the game ends so if prioritize ones actions I imagine it would be smarter to avoid dmg and stay on heals vision at all times rather than try do constant dmg. Positioning has no cd and is the best both offensive and defensive action in the game.

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This is a lil comic strip. It reminded me instantly of all the whining the entire expansion of DF being about the power of friendship and I just had to share :rofl:

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Theres truth in that, the games mmo and team based for both pve and pvp for all end game content. Even if blizz make some content queable as solo it doesnt change that they need to play it as a team with their party ā€œfriendsā€

One guy had cartoon on twitter of guys in shuffle saying to each other in midst of absolute disaster ā€œyou play solo, we play soloā€ :joy:

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Meanwhile of the mage forum.

Tuna Tuesday

Elf radio


Orc Radio

Big T

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