🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)


I dont know who is he or what it has to do with that article, its suppose to be old test to figure which side of brain is more dominant for one. Some have left or right more dominant and then their social or math skills vary from it. But thats just something funny I saw. :grin:

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The article advertised it as piers morgan tried this.

Not just him ofc but the other names listed kinda fall into the same catagory.


As for dominant brain isnt that related to left or right handed people?

Me being right handed means my left side is dominant


Your purse would like to have a word too :dracthyr_nod:

Oh his that guy, had to google the name. But I mean isnt any actors or public figure whole purpose to be seen and get publicity so it kinda makes sense if its their job. Idk his never risen any strong emotions on me. Werent he on britain got talent and his also journalist according google but we have the power of not read aswell which I can apply any time I dislike someone I simply dont read them, theres few public Finnish personalities example like our current president which anything I see on media I filter by not look it :joy:


My wallet just sighs at me. No, wait, that’s my mother. :thinking:
Such is the issue when you have no bills and need a quick dopamine fix.

No more spending, stahp it, stahp iiiit!


The article even says that’s a load of rubbish :dracthyr_hehe_animated: thus donkies.

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Hes a glorified media personality.

Only reason you still see him these days is cause he is controversial.

When he disappears he reappears by attaching his name to a latest fad.

That is how he survives.


Take a break bro

The donkey was the best part imo, just light humor type thing with little splash of real sciense yeah :grin:

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That reminds me Top Gears are not so good anymore without the three amigos, but they had a good run. They was also controversial but they had good dynamic with them 3 together and made the show funny. Like the 10k liked comment on this yt I cant believe they fired these guys :grin:

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Im not sure but Ill google of it later. Seen some interesting studies on brain injury whose had their brain altered after car crash or such. They were able to manually alter which side of brain were more dominant like flip of a switch using this some helmet with magnet instalment and what made it more interesting were that they were able increase the test subject abilities to draw or solve puzzles by manually switching which side of brain is working more for the current :ok_man:

Imagine its possible to manually tamper with brain and alter ones capability to draw or solve logical puzzles depending which side they make more dominant. The possibilities are mind boggling pun intended!

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There is no more domniant side! Desist! :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember him saying “Private Eye has won the war. They can stop calling me Piers “Morgan” Moron now”, to which Ian Hislop replied “I didn’t even know we were at war”

And promptly called him Piers “Morgan” Moron in the next issue of the eye.

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Where is good wednesday? Its vault today we need the good luck. Is Puny sleeping, Ill make coffee and porridge…

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Thank you, wishing everyone good luck with their vaults aswell :smiley:

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Long as you can look after yourself despite the purchase who cares, right (:

I can’t look after myself :dracthyr_lulmao: the purchase doesn’t influence that at all though.