šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

One time, I was very drunk (celebrating a 50 break in snooker with the boys).
I made my cabbage and bacon pasta dish whilst pretending I was only tipsy - the cabbage seemed to be wilting really well, it was only when my wife asked why the savoy cabbage was still in the veg basket that I realised I had cooked up a lettuce insteadā€¦
Had to come clean and admit I was rather sozzled at this point :slight_smile:

:open_mouth: At least I was drunk when I cooked my lettuce - that guy did it on purpose !!

I remember when Subway tried opening a shop here in the city center. That place appeared and disappeared within 6 months, or even less, and it was ALWAYS empty. But I managed to try one of their sandwiches once. It sucked.

Work ends in 15 min, then im on my way to go pickup 4 burgers and a xxxl cheezy ships with jalapenos and bacon bits for me and the fiance. im so hyped!


:drool: Now that sounds amazing!!!

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There needs to be a rule on this forum about acceptable times to mention food.

Bloody Twiluna, talking about burgers when they know full well they are my favourite.



Itā€™s the cheesy chips with bacon and jalapeno that got me hungry :smiley:

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Burgers are universal and automatically everyoneā€™s favourite food, this fact canā€™t be disputed.

My lovely lady is making butter chicken tonight, canny wait!

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Oh, butter chicken - havenā€™t had that in ages, bloody lush!
I have Lasagne with a nice side salad, but Iā€™d rather have butter chicken :smiley:

Not too shabby, donā€™t hold back with the cheese.

A good lasagne or pizza should have so much cheese on it that 30 mins later you get a stomach ache followed by a visit to the throne room.

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No one is as posh as me, Iā€™m having pomme frites and sauce barbecue! :eyes:


Afentonā€™s dinner:



Sitting on her exceedingly comfy chair with her very loose fitting night attire, her dainty feet swaddled in luxurious furred footwear, her meal placed on a platter as she reclines in her comfy chair perusing the wonders of the moving pictures that bathe both her eyes and mind in picturesque glory.

Or to be more precise.

Sitting on her chair in her nicotine stained pyjamas and dog eared pink rabbit slippers with a cheap plastic tray on her lap with chips and gravy dripping off it flicking through the tv channels looking for a gameshow so she can yell answers at the contestants.

Welcome to Bristol.


Whereas I cant have anything as antibiotics are going through my system doing their thing.

I have my voice back butā€¦ at a price.

If youā€™ve had antibiotics youā€™ll know what I mean so it will be a Cup a Soup again tonight.

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How do you know my slippers are furry? Have you been spying my asda shop again?

Two and a half weeks cig free thank you very much!!

Was doing the superbloom for the weekly but had last nights bake off on in the backgroundā€¦


Every time is acceptableā€¦

Also, I too like burgers, but I wonā€™t get mad if itā€™s mentioned and thereā€™s no place nearby where I could get one. :smile:

They are just trying to neutralise the hundreds of diseases death knights carry with themselves. Not exactly as pleasant as the regular dispel I use.

Thereā€™s a reason people come to me to be patched up - my magics are more soothing than the looks of a doctorā€™s needle.

Stinging my young, pretty body anytime I get hit in combat? Give me a break!

Donā€™t forget some electrolyte drinks too! :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I was sad (no spoilers).

My tea was fish fingers & chips because Iā€™d been working late and couldnā€™t be bothered to do anything creative. Just like every other night, really.