šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Looks nice, cant say I see myself wanting to do the 497 mile, 10 hr drive to get there.

Okay, hereā€™s the true winner.



I just noticed your guild name lol. You owe me an Irn Bru.

Scotlands biggest joke on the worldā€¦


ohh man, I would kill for a nice cold Irn Bru. That and vimto are the best.

We changed our guild name and have had it for 2 weeks now. Top PVP guild on Doomhammer/Turalyon (thats what we tell everyone anyway)

Hoping that no :snowflake: report it.

This is why Bristol is fenced off from the rest of the world.

Iā€™m waiting for the Christmas commercial which will inevitably be banned.


Finally. FINALLY win something from an LFR which is an upgrade and ofc I get a whisper.

ā€œGive me that ring or Iā€™ll start a kick voteā€

Go for it. You still wonā€™t get it.

And the whisper came from someone with a dps count of 150k.

LFR bottom feedersā€¦


Most of Europe has mayo with chips. I discovered it on a trip to Belgium ā€¦ though the very first one was gross as there was more mayo than chips. I found a better chippy the next day.

I just became a hardcore Brexiteer lol.

But only because mayo makes me incredibly sick so I canā€™t even see it without wanting to throw up.

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Irn Bru Advert Idea

Nicola sturgeon drinks from a crisp bottle of Bru and becomes super jacked.

After becoming completely ā€œcutā€ proceeds to go to the SNP HQ and punch out all of the new staff and that guy that replaced her.

Merry Christmas, visit Scotland, surprise yourself.

Just going to leave this here.

I should flag thatā€¦

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Sowwy mrs Defiler :frowning:

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Quite like mayonnaise on chips, but chippy chips with salt, vinegar, (loads of) pepper and lashings of curry sauce is the only way for me :slight_smile:

Eeew. Ketchup, gravy, vinegar, garlic sauceā€¦ this is all good. Mayo? BLECHEHH.

Yet Iā€™ll happily have it with other potatoes like potato salad, or mixed with tuna on a jacket potatoā€¦ but chips? Idk it just doesnā€™t go for me.

Tuna? :nauseated_face:

I hate tuna, although the cat loves it, so I do buy it quite regularly :smiley:

Ketchup with chips is the way to go.

Or a whole Wiener Schnitzelā€¦ yummy!

Mustard? Tartare? Maybe some cottage cheese? :smiling_imp:

Did I miss any other good stuff?

Youā€™re a devious wicked one :smiling_imp: how didnā€™t I think of that! (Not fond of fish though.)

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Tomato intolerance/allergy :sob:

Ok, Iā€™d definitely agree with that :laughing:

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or currywurst and chips :slight_smile: mayo permitted in these circumstances ā€¦

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In general I cannot stand fish unless it is cod/haddock soused in vinegar but tuna also goes well with mayo and it seems to work.

Not a fan of spicy things, hate fish and cottage cheese makes me gag. Melted mozzarella though oo yeee.

Omg I am so sorry half my meals are tomato based I would cry :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Also sorry for post spam but post editing is a pain in mobile!

Ohhhhh ā€¦ no no no. Currywurst & chips lovely. But not with mayo.

Iā€™m used to it and can cope.
It was made worse as I was made to eat tomatoes as a child even though I was sick every time. My parents said I was putting it on and I became scared of them. So weird!
(Scared of tomatoes, not my parents)