🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Evil. I know the feeling though, I have been ill all my life and was pretty much told I was putting it on or it was all in my head. Oh I felt so smug rubbing in all the many diagnoses years later.

Yes I would be scared of them too. I can’t eat gluten so I sort of know what you must have gone through but I imagine tomato may be harder to avoid.

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Okay, this one is new - suppose it could work, whenever I ordered breaded cheese with fries, the dripping hot cheese made it extra yummy :drooling_face:

So half Italian cuisine eh :smile: it can never go wrong. Unless it’s raw tomatoes… eww. I always remove it from my hamburgers, how rarely I eat one that is.

Looks like they were ignorant of… a possible allergy? Either way, it’s not how one treats their own children.

Yeah, I get their possible PoV - there wasn’t anything else, maybe because they were low on money - but they should’ve observed what happens, ask if anything’s wrong, and prevent doing it again.

Got no allergies myself, only I’m not willing to eat something I dislike too much.

One such example is Hungarian tripe stew. Ate a little of it as a child, puked from it, never again - made me hate all stews, and only nowadays I’m willing to eat some of it left and right when at work.

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like swedes soda julmust thats just non alcoholic beer with cola, they have actually mixed taste of beer with cola and consume it 7L per person yearly, its not too bad tbh but i wouldnt drink it daily like they do lol

I used to drink wine mixed with coke, but… they’re really kicking the hornet’s nest with this…

You wanna mix something into your beer, make sure it’s cherry. :cherries: These two are going well together!


Bleeech Julmust is disgusting :tired_face:

How very un-Swedish of you…

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Hope everyome has a fabulous Saturday

Well fellas, my sub’s about to run out for a while.

Didn’t last long enough to give a try to this Classic+, SoD, whatever we call it, but didn’t expect such a thing anyways at the time I came back, it might get overcrowded for my liking, and my goals are done as is.

“Well, wasn’t this nice? The perfect end to a perfect trip. If someone had told me six weeks ago this was where my life was headed, I’d have ordered a double of whatever they were drinking, drunk it, then blown my head off.”

Max has some strong lines, mark my words. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Peace out… tis been a giggle.


Going to the lake house again after work, gonna get more sun burnt, and gonna braai some big AF pork chops as big as my face xD

Booze Braai and Burns xD


Everyone knows cherry and vanil are the best artificial flavors, not even debatable when its simply a fact :joy:


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Will miss you on the forums :frowning:
Have fun doing whatever else it is you do and early Merry Xmas!


You too, prettiest pally :pleading_face: take care!

Fare thee well, but be back soon.

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Today’s Lunch


that minute steak as big as plate with garlic butter looks yummy, my god :yum:

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It was sooooooooooo good!!


Swankyelf doesn’t do things in half like us mere plebs… We make do with Mcdonalds plain hamburger and a half flat 7 up… Maybe a stale doughnut.


Mmm steak… though it’s a bit big for me, I’d prefer half the size and then half a plate of veg.

Honestly surprised you could eat all of that!

It’s really thin.