🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

i dont eat in mcdonalds its awful! i rather do something simple at home like boil water and put egg in the kettle :joy:

even rye bread with cheese warmed in micro is better than any meal from mäkmänämän donnelds its awful food for the price they sell it!!! so expensive 10 euro burgers and so awful!!!

kebab or pizza is better here from fastfoods, i wish we had fish and chips in finland too :slight_smile:

My nearest McDonalds is about 15 miles away.
And my nearest Wagamama (my favourite almost fast food place) is about 10 miles.
We do have 1 fish & chip place in my town but it never seems to be open when I’m hungry.


I miss McDonalds. Haven’t been able to have one for 7 or so years, or any fast food for that matter. I actually love the gerkins Q_Q

This place looks like you get good meal :smiley:

We got korean and vietnamese diner in my town and both are also perhaps best in town imo, now if there also were wagamama it would be almost too perfect :joy:

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So now we have TWO Swankyelves!

Imagine inviting them to dinner…


Bah, they want to try my cottage pie - guaranteed they would have full stomachs after that lot (no pun intended)

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im scrooge mcduck, i swim in piles of money i save by not going out in finland, i save a fortune and bury it as gold on the hills and never use any :joy:

my god if you knew the expenses of living cost here you would eat tuna and noodles daily, we are 9th most expensive countries in eu, i rather make coffee home with our prices :smiley:

anything from gasoline to alcohol or even basic groceries. everything is ridiculously expensive here, better bring sacks of money if planning to visit anywhere else than lidl store, welcome winland :joy:

Cottage pie with a bit of cheesy mash on top, lovely!


Sadly it is pretty much like that everywhere currently, isn’t it?

I have no idea how people can afford to feed a family without shopping in Lidl or Aldi!
I have 5 people to feed most weeks and even a weekly shop in Lidl is nearly ÂŁ100, along with around ÂŁ150 a month for the heavier items that I have delivered each month!


No no no no nooooooooooooo dont go there don’t go there don’t go there… Not after the night I had last night thanks to my employer…

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Sorry :frowning: I have an arthritic back condition, so have cans, cat/dog food etc delivered …

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300 jars of mayo delivered to Stoney? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


saturday night another driver couldn’t find an address so he arranged re delivery.

Guess who gets it last night.

So I see the address… 60 Arklay Street. Im an ex taxi driver. That address hasn’t existed since Tannadice Park was built.

In 1910. Ok maybe the customer got the number wrong by a mistype. Could be 6 or 69. Check both numbers, no matching name.

So I phone the number provided. 3 times. No answer.

So by now I’m of the opinion of this customer can sing for her supper and I head back to the store. Pack up, clock out. Go home.

Just as I’m about to climb into my bed, I get a call from the call centre telling me to go and deliver. Now if it was Pitlochry or Inverbervie I’d have told them to shove it but because it’s Dundee I say yeah ok, throw some clothes on and o back to the store. I also tell the call centre that if the customer calls she has to answer her phone so she can tell me where to go.

So I’m in the store just about to head out in the van when the customer calls.

EXCELLENT! She can tell me where her house is!

So I ask her to tell me where 60 Arklay Street is and if she has the right number on her paperwork and she replies…

“Oh I’m at 80 Arklay Street, I kept on telling them that it was 80”

The idiots had only put the wrong number on her paperwork. It would also help if the customer answered their phone when they know they have a scheduled delivery. So I get to her house, deliver her stuff, we discuss what happened and I went back to the store, packed up AGAIN and went home.

And played some WoW and died to random fire druids.


I feel your pain - I work in plant hire, it’s amazing how many people don’t bother answering their phone when we’re delivering an 8 ton digger or 9 ton dumper truck, because they’ve forgotten we’re delivering! I mean, it’s going to cost enough so the least they could do is knot their hankie :smiley:


300 jars of mayo to an address in Stoney that no longer exists… :thinking:

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I wish I hadn’t lost my screenshot of my crushing victory over you…

So this will need to do

Surely it’s out there somewhere? PvP stuff?

I had it saved on an SSD but it went wonky and I had to reformat it after I transferred a lot of stuff I wanted to keep. I forgot to check all my folders before formatting and I think I blitzed it.

I’ll find it, even if I have to scour the forum…