🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

I either dress like this:
Or like this:
https://pin.it/KewMILb / https://pin.it/2dCW41k - kind of, in a male version

But I’m writing all this while wearing a grey hoodie, so I too am guilty of dressing comfortable, almost only at home though.

AND don’t even get my started about hairdressing! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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ye this is very stylish, i would be stoned by italians if i dared walk their streets :smiley:


im basically just this, and then there comes winters so its time for sweatpants and cover oneself on wool lol

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That’s practical for sure! :joy:
Well if you come visit Italy in summer you won’t have any kind of problem anyway!

I’m kind of exaggerated anyway, my partner usually mocks me cause I spend too much time taking care of my curls for instance.

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we need some help from italians for fashion i dont deny it :joy:

my everyday wear is some sweatpants from “food and stuff” type store where found this pair for 10 dollars pair and then there is the same tshirts ive propably own for 5-10 years lol

Well that’s way better for your wallet than my habits, I’m not gonna lie :sweat_smile:

ye that is only thing it is good for but not much to look at if gone anywhere out to be seen

send help for us fins we dont know what we are doing :rofl:

Well if you’re really interested, I’d start with Pinterest! Get yourself some knowledge about cloth models and their history (like coat models, leather shoes, trousers and so on) so that you know their purpose, who invented them, how they’re meant to be used so that you begin distinguish what’s “trash” and what’s a good item, as well as what you like and what you don’t.

Then I’d say start from fast fashion markets. They have all the problems they have of course yadda yadda but they usually start from good models and don’t overdo them too much (I’d personally recommend Zara and COS, Bershka if you’re young). They are also cheap, so you get to explore without spending too much. Then once they’ve given you some taste of the overall scene, if you want to go deeper and you have trained your eye a bit, I’d try flea markets (still cheap, and if you know what to look for you can spot some amazing models for next to nothing! Very good for leather items as well, as you won’t pollute by buying a new one AND usually leather jackets look better when used - and their models barely ever change through time).

Once you’re done with all this, if you still want to go deeper and spend a LOT of money, you can try custom made clothes and tailors. But it becomes really expensive, although the results are amazing.

nah im way too cheap i just wear down what i have and then replace with something equally cheap, i dont really have so much occasions to dress up either as in 20s, im almost 40 soon im a old geezer i dont really have reasons to go out or care how i look other than not too much out of ordinal :smiley:

like that pic from summer few years ago nothing has changed since of my wardrobe propably even have the same shirt now, only matter changing is that im even more older lol it is time for the younger generation now, us old guys will walk around in supermarket sweatpants and worry about taxes and prices of milk and all that lmao :smiley:

The Soul Special Pizza? Its a pizza with pineapple, raisins and

Jelly Babies.

(Dont cook the Jelly babies, the sticky melterd goo is too sweet)

So put the jelly babies on after you’ve cooked it.

You’ll love it!

Or if you’re looking for something to feed the kids or just need a quick snack, try this.

The voice will remind you why I never speak on a mic in a party

And for those who will simply say “ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!” I should like to remind everyone I inspired a friend to make her own pizza experiment with raisins and sultanas.

The raisins won.


no way, this is too much bullying on the italian :joy:

next you will tell that you snap pasta in half when you cook, this is their soul you are insulting :pinched_fingers:

Bleh. No ta. Although I do love jellybabies, can’t eat them. mAy cOnTaIn gLuTen.

The Soul Defiler defiles souls no matter the nationality of my victim!!

if that means making them fall to their knees and wail “why won’t he leave my food alone!!” then so be it.

Coming next week, my new monstrosity to enrage and defile the soul of a nation.

Surstromming that actually tastes nice.

I do actually lol

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NO IT DOESNT :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

they serve it as price on semi successful summer olympics football for team that won, nobody ate it

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Voice is fine and I could just about manage a couple of raisins in the same bowl as cheese. But jelly babies? You crossed a line there 

I won’t believe you unless you make a video of yourself sniffing it and then eating it.


I may have worded it wrong lol but I meant to say I will make a surstromming that tastes nice just to enrage the Scandinavians who make it taste disgusting. Sorry for any confusion.

I want to see Souldefíler defile his shirt when trying eat that vile surströmming, please make video of it for the attempt next spring perhaps as celebration for up coming summer :smiley:

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I don’t wear a shirt!

Disclaimer. The picture above is a rough approximation of what Souldefiler looks like irl. Very rough. OK this is how he looks and acts irl

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i thought you paste picture from outlander defending the honor of his sassenach :joy:

and yeah scotts are tough punch, or not ones to complain for mild nuisances like feet being cold for only wearing the long socks as pants while adventuring on the countryside :joy:

Fixed it for ya :rofl:


:grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: every time I look at other countries meals I think I’m lucky

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