🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

So pretty!!!

I just ate and got hungry looking at this.


Same here - toad in the hole with mashed potatoes, veg and thick gravy…:yum:

So glad I had one before I went keto. We never wait for xmas to eat xmas food :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Black pudding and eggs!


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this is all what its about, my god the holiday spirit is catching you too :smile:

were just two big softies with thick layer, even death knights used to have beating heart :joy:

lol contrary to public opinion (well… idiots on the forums…) I am infact a big soft wuss. Just give me a backpack full of nibbles and fluids, GlenIsla (my ancestral home) or any other glen and my dog Roscoe and I am happy.

Map of the clans, zoom in on map using mouse. Note that even though the clan territories are marked, in reality the actual boundaries were always changing due to clan feuds and land changing hands due to one method or another, usually the stronger clan simply marching into the next area and simply taking what they wanted. My clan, Ogilvie, were always feuding with the Lindsays to the east for control of Glen Prosen And Glen Esk, and it frequently changed hands to us before the Lindsays who were allies of the Campbells took it back and so on and so on. The lands to the west, GlenShee was held by a friendly clan theRobertsons and Murray of Atholl and the Ogilvies rarely raided Glenshee and surrounding lands around Pitlochry (Pitlochry only became a significant town during the Victorian time) and Rannoch leading to Breadalbane and GlenLyon, held by the Campbells.

*Breadalbane and Glenlyon will be familiar to those who know of the Massacre of Glencoe in 1692. Although the Ogilvies were not involved, they did join raids on Breadlabane and Glenlyon when word of how the ancient custom of Highland Hospitality had been violated.

We had no love for the MacDonalds of Glencoe, in fact many a time they had been hired by the campbells to raid Glenisla but the hospitality of the Highlander was sacrosanct to all clans, and even today, a Scotsman who opens their door to you will be the epitome of hospitality.

But if your host suddenly had to rush off and defend his cows or his sheep and you were under his roof, you were expected to aid him regardless of who was attacking him.

Now as I am very learned in history I will now stop, or this post will be 25 bazillion lines long.

The clans on the outer edges were usually the most hated and feared, as they took no hesitation in simply walking from the glens into the lowlands and taking back every single thing they could carry while herding cows with them.

So in the time of the Highland clans, any Ogilvie walking into Dundee, Forfar, Kirriemuir or any Angus town close and beyond the Sidlaw Hills would be quickly chased off or at worst, a noose around their neck.


the macdonalds clan have been prospered from since!

your tale of scotts history inspired me, heres bit knopflers history related scotts, as history buff i find these storyes interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

I only have eyes for Aethes

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I’d better do some work … have a good day everyone!

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Food delivery day. Mmm fresh fruit and veg yomyomyom.

**********POLITE NOTICE **********
To people who have Christmas lights flashing blue on their houses/trees … can you remove them !!
Every time I pass, I think it’s the police and I have to let my foot off the accelerator, slam on my brakes, put my seat belt on, throw my mobile phone on the floor, hide my bottle of smirnoff , swallow my joint, and hide my gun…
thank you for your understanding…


no break the law :smile:



Coming to get you…




That dog is definitely not saying “you’re gonna regret this… check your bed for stinkies tonight…”


old gfs mastiff used to do that when get jealous for attention, atleast he was thoughtful to do it on showers floor, dog give his feedback on the owners new relationship status. cats are the worst on this, come scratch face middle of the night if they think im on their place, once had to leave appartment cause this feral critter continue these savage attacks and not let sleep. nothing against pets or pet owners tho, i like doggies! :sweat_smile:

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Urrrgh… got a bad case of the flu, trying to sleep but I’m suffering from a delirium of fever dreams stuck on a loop. Had to give notice to work I won’t be showing up… 12 hour shift feeling miserable and completely sleep deprived, no thanks. :weary:

Well some cough syrup™ on that and it sounds like working would be a blast ^^

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