🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)


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Insomnia decided we’re not doing sleep so here I am

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Well good morning and good night. I leave you the fort. :joy:


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Bonjour! Last day of my trip, direction Grasse! :st_martin:


Morning general chat!

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Bonsoir, stay safe as political situation is deteriorating so riots are kinda expected

Ain’t it a favourite past time over there in France?

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Can any of our Italian friends provide a bit of citation?

Ive been reading The Commedia in hospital and the translator (John Ciardi) makes references to the figs gesture, in the violence circles a sinner is overheard by the Centaur Cacus yelling an obscenity “Here God, I throw these figs in your face” and Ciardi states that it has lost none of its obscenity today, both in the spoken way and the gesture.

Can any of our Italian friends confirm?

Thank you!

I may also like to add that the purist in me really hates the Romanized translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey…

It’s Menelaos, Alexandros, Aias and Patroclos, not Menelaus, Paris, Ajax and Patroclus… Rant over and yes I am that bored and picky. Ive been boring the behind of my very patient nurse who made the mistake of asking what I was reading

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Some croissant reviews, when friend were in Paris with wife I sent him this and they tried few of the places near their hotel. :smiley:


Well, not demonstrations but actual riots. I can understand why this election cycle is very dangerous, but it’s quite irresponsible to openly call for riots if one doesn’t like the outcome. Looking at the left wing populist here, as if they don’t have any hope of winning through votes.

Heck, strikes, the actual national tradition, are already planned if the right wing populist are to win. I might sound silly but they’re public servants so they should respect what the people asked for, even if it’s very questionable and unpleasant.

In Grasse everything was chill… driving back home now, as soon as we entered Italy the weather turned gray and we are stuck in traffic jam… yayy :roll_eyes:

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I’ve heard the Franco-Italian border is a pain to cross, may the odds ever be in your favor !

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Been listening to them as well since my teens. After the grunge hype was over I began to get more into alternative rock stuff and that never really changed (had a nu metal period as well later on). I’m not into mainstream music for the most part (doesn’t mean I think all of it is bad; I just wouldn’t play it by own accord).

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You mean this?
Ciardi apparently lives in the middle ages if he thinks it still holds some value. It may be region-related, but where I live (Piedmont, for reference) that gesture is only used when you want to fake stealing the nose to a kid. If you want to insult someone with it, no one will understand you and most will think you’re an idiot playing kids games.

EDIT: I just went to my girlfriend showing her that hand gesture and I asked her if that meant something to her, she replied while stepping backwards “why do you want to steal my nose?” (She thought I was about to pull her a prank)

We just use the middle finger like normal people for that purpose.

BTW, in Italian they are: Menelao, Alessandro, Aiace, Patroclo. Pretty close!

the magnificent seven

School vs jail

Pretty sure the lvl 10 alt surpassing naming policy created with offensive name only to spam likes on people in here GD chat is still surpassing naming policy if they use their forced namechange to turn it into same terms on german instead of english. It doens matter what language it is if it uses terms that you cannot name characters with unless surpassing language filter somehow. Its the same as if alter or add something to surpass filter on forum or in game the character naming policy is no different. Repeating same offenses with the forced namechanges might even come with more consequences in time than just namechanges.

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The cat has spoken