🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

How do you get any of your wow news to stay up to date?

Or you just don’t?

Caturday prayer time

Copyright 1997, S L Smith

From kittenhood you lived your life upon unforgiving streets,
Tough existence for a cat, though you never asked for peace,
And now all I can offer you is the needle’s final peace.

Think of a world where every litter’s planned,
Where every cat is wanted in every town and land,
Why are so many homeless? It’s hard to understand

Why every shelter in the land is full of surplus cats and strays,
Praying for adoption within their seven days,
Accusing us of negligence in each compelling feline gaze.

If I took you to a shelter you wouldn’t stand a chance
When even cuddly kitties don’t get a second glance;
And you just growl and hiss and spit while they all purr and prance.

I hope the goddess understands why I cannot offer more,
Than a filling bowl of cat food placed outside my door,
And a blanket in the garage so you can rest your weary paws.

You are too wild a spirit to live inside with me,
You need my protection, but you still need to be free,
To neuter and to nurture, that is my responsibility.

And now you’re old the time has come to bring you final rest,
That you let me pick you up at last, I feel that I am blessed,
Though I know it’s just because you’re too weak to resist.

I pray that God has mercy on me and will understand,
That for his wild creature I’ve done the best I can,
And loved you from a distance, my wild street kitty friend.

For all the other kitties that live upon the street,
I pray someone will neuter them and give them food to eat,
And a helping hand right at the end to ease them into sleep.

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That’s a nice 10 hours of sleep.

I just dont :laughing: if its posted here on general i’ll see it probably, but thats about it. Or if it gets discusses in discord and i happen to see/hear it.

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Grapevine news !!! :dracthyr_nod:

A bulk of the major changes always get discussed on this forum one way or another.

I know a lot about the coming expansion for example and this forum has been my only source of information about it.
I do find it somewhat funny that there is a few people on this forum who dont want spoilers yet continue to discuss the expansion with detail regardless lol.

A lot of stuff is announced by Blizzard too with blueposts and blog posts.

TWW spoiler:

Baine dies, Jaina sacrifices herself to save Thrall.

Dont believe the internet

Today i had the good idea to hike in lower lombardy. 30 degrees and sun with 80’ humodity. Bad idea.


You have my prayers, that sucks big time


I don’t want spoilers and hopefully haven’t been discussing anything. It’s so frustrating. Way back when we knew very little, if anything, about expansions. Now they seem determined to tell us everything and spoil the surprise/exploration etc …
For example I keep seeing words like Warbands thrown about around the place but have no clue what they are (original thought was a new kind of belt but guessing there wouldn’t be so much talk if it was something as simple as that …)

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One of my friends once told me “mmorpgs have lost their sense of discovery”

Going on to explain that everything is highlighted by the game and you are guided to it by its inbuilt features.

There is no longer any real sense of not knowing what awaits around the next bend.

As either the name of the place heavily hints at whats inside, the quest tells you or it is just openly displayed for all to see.

I was playing dragons dogma 2 recently and i feel they have exploring done correctly.

There is no hand holding and you are left to discover things as you explore the world.


Well, it’s very exciting to get into things that you don’t know, but for people who care about the endgame and systems surrounding it, they feel like they need to put their feedback out there and also have the knowledge early. I imagine they’ve played so much they kinda lost all sense of wonder, not that they’d allow themselves to experience it while watching a guide but still-

That just depends on what you do. I know only 1 thing about the war within and am going compleeetely blind. These systems that show me quest locations won’t show me the rares I find, or the treasure hidden behind a waterfall. It’s just up to you to actually go out of your way, which with the culture about being efficient is not happening for most people.


Thats fair you can go into a expansion blind.

But i more referring to once you are already inside the discovery lacks because in most games and id wadger TWW too, everything is displayed.

There’s still plenty to discover. You just don’t want to eliminate the process for yourself

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The last game i played where discovery was done right to me.

Was the dark soul series pre playing dragons dogma ofc.

That series had me looting everything and actively hunting around the world for treasures and how the games world just got deeper and deeper as you went further into it it kept the element of surprise from start to finish.

I dont know about you or others here but discovery is a major factor to why i play rpg’s and if i feel that element is getting worse it cant help but leave a sour impression on me.

It’s more so to try to avoid having issues like with shadowlands where the developers just went through it anyways in regards to being locked to a covenant, something that’d work in more of a single player type RPG but WoW is so focused on the action elements of the endgame that it mostly creates issues for the players.

Personally it’s hard for me to have a sense of wonder with new things in WoW outside of the zone design and the odd storyline here and there. Some part of it is because i’ve been playing the game for way too long and it’s rare for there to be ground breaking changes and another part is wanting to know some things in regards to the classes i play in case i want to offer some feedback on it.
That being said then i never sign myself up for beta testing because i don’t want to be spoiled on running through the story the first time after launch. That and i’m a bit too lazy to do proper beta testing with feedback.

Well, naturally. You’ve probably played the game for way longer than me. Wow’s core doesn’t change too much expansion to expansion, same for new games. Although they’re different they still have similar core principles until you find that one unique game that makes you feel otherwise. Something that could help is trying a new to you genre.

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There are plenty who don’t know what is happening in upcoming expansions. They avoid places like the forums/reddit/other social media and just stick to the journey of discovery.

I like to be informed and you can’t really give any feedback unless you know what’s coming. On the other hand the story itself isn’t part of that but I do alpha/beta test so I’ve long given up on trying to go in blind.

The forums are hit and miss. While there is a beta test forum it’s not too bad but some can’t help but blab things they know are coming. Wowhead can be quite bad with the titles to their articles so that the spoiler is already in the title.

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Totally agree, I don’t go for the exploring every nook and cranny in testing. So all of that is still waiting for me in TWW. Plus I need to unlock slow flapping before I can really get on with that. Apart from making me sick, I just find skyriding, is like riding a fast rocket everywhere, you miss all the world around you. It just zooms on by. There is no taking it in and exploring.

But each to their own. Some care nothing for their surroundings, or seeing and doing every available quest.

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