šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Iā€™m not really complaining about a lack of wonder since i know iā€™ll find some of that more so in playing new RPGā€™s and discovering the lore and world building in them. WoW for me is more of a comfort gaming pick largely carried by the friends i play with since it isnā€™t a game i can see myself fully playing solo. MMOā€™s to me comes with their limitations in areas where single player RPGā€™s shine but make up for it on the social and community end.

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Donā€™t know why, but the last Remix character I created (dwarf hunter) ā€œclickedā€, and now I think I want him as a main (not a problem since my main is already a hunter - also warbands incoming).

Maybe because of the particular setting, the fact that Iā€™m having a blast and Iā€™m leveling him from scratch rather than just race changing my old main (itā€™s just not the same).

Itā€™s been a long time since I felt something similar for a WoW character. But Iā€™m happy because this will keep me motivated for TWW! :eyes:


Yeah, felt that with my priest at the end of shadowlands. Itā€™s a great motivator

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Also, Remix gives you lots of RP possibilities for your character. You canā€™t just hop from one place to another, so Pandaria can be an interesting place to build your characterā€™s story (I play on AD lol).

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Iā€™ve been leveling various hunter races in Remix.
When itā€™s all over said and done Iā€™ll have leveled:

Gnome, Dark Iron Dwarf, Forsaken, Mechagnome and a Vulpera hunter.
And also a Monk and Druid for good measure. :wink:

Iā€™ll probably wonā€™t touch any of them in TWW except for this alt.
Ah wellā€¦ :blush:


Yeah, it was really comfy. My girl actually felt like a character there

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This is the last hunter Iā€™m working on getting to max level.
I thought the name was funny. :stuck_out_tongue:


I wish regular gnomes had those hair/facial hair optionsā€¦ they look so much better.

Sound like a old broken record but i think character sliders would go a long way for this game.

But understandable why the cannot implement them.

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28C here, went look this place where can see 7 lakes from 8km trail. Went swim in this one, humidity in it were 100% :joy:



i did 28km. im a little tiredā€¦ And my vitiligo never took well the fact i forgot the suncreamā€¦


Certain physical 'features ā€™ could be and will be abused. Someone on another thread mentioned weather sliders, and thats an idea im all forā€¦

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Huge, you cycle I guess on walk 30km would take all day, even on cycle takes half day the few times that cycled 22km one way to see this one fireplace by sea and then had to come back, would like cycle more but I dont have good bike. Its not enjoyable with some 100 euro supermarket bike. Im sticking to hike by foot but today notice will need new shoes soon aswell theyre complete kaput :smiley:


no no i hike. its 4.5 k\hou and the path was perfectly flat. 6 hours. With an average training (its almost 1 year i never hike properly>) is widely doable. i assure you. My big belly confirms

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28km walk is huge, ppl travel like 15-20km distances usually when doing some weeks trail somewhere with tent and gear and all. You could easily go do some 90km trail :smiley:

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it depends. normally i stay aroun 20\25 it i was goin to do that. unfortunately i forgot the train station was 3km from the end of sectionā€¦
once in santiago way i did a 44km section. i was smashed after. 12 hours


Thatā€™s over 17 miles!! Itā€™s not a normal walk for me. 4 or 5 if i have to, yes. I have done 10 when walking around London, but 17???.



These wont do even 5km come autumn, annoyingā€¦ cost 160 euro and bought just 2 years ago. The money sinks dont stop appearing :sob:

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Yep. The whole allied race should just be part of the gnome character customization really.

Just as Kul Tiran should be a human customization option, Magā€™har should be an orc option, etc etc.

Yeah. Damned ā€˜nosesā€™. Always ruining the fun for everybody. :upside_down_face:


I would welcome sliders and shaman buffs :joy:

Also noticed your Hunters new tmog in other post earlier, im glad you posted on here so i get opportunity to say I like it without derail any subject in some thread :smile: