🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

You know it!
During the winter we also have the honoured tradition of burning the Gävlebock while the police and firefighters tries to prevent it ^^

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Hmm, I guess thats something but some who gets tilt they gonna go out anyway, also two accounts and they just go play on the other one, like Im paying for two to play healer while wait dps que on another. I think they should more add noshow penalty on the que when ppl decline ques to fish lobbys, I see streamers encountering and posting of it and ppl are sniping their lobbys higher mmr to go grief their games. I encountered one group yday on 2200mmr even but it was only one Ive seen in months and friend said he stopped playing on 2700 cause theres too many. It seem its too easy to fish same lobbys as group, I guess they do it like ppl do those battleground ques where they get multiple teams in there.


I love Bruges … it’s one of my ‘happy places’ when I feel the need to get away from stuff. Also don’t miss Gent/Ghent which is a couple of stops away from Bruges on the railway. It’s like Bruges in many ways but seems more lived in and less touristy (and it has a castle in the middle of the town).


And an amazing movie


@Murley @Alythena @Sinaaki @Nim
Thanks! :smile:


Happy birthday !

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I don’t understand how I’m meant to be able to get this belt

Wowhead suggested it’s the same one drops from Diurna, I finally managed to win something in LFR and it’s not completing the set. So I’m a at a loss how I’m meant to be able to complete the set. I should have catalyzed something back when it was the current tier.

Happy (late) birthday!

Thanks @everyone !


Pursday poetry.

The Wise Politeness Shown by Courtly Owls – An Owl and the Pussycat Poem

In twilight hours filled with forest glooms
I mused, when, suddenly, weird whirling plumes
Alit from out the dark. The strangest birds
I’ve ever seen! It’s difficult for words
To quite describe them, for, instead of claws,
These avians each had two sets of paws,
And whiskers, ears, and each one had a tail!
These kittenbirds made me strange shades of pale.

And then I noticed where they landed: she,
A mother cat, then mewed and purred with glee.
“Now, Mama, can you tell us how you met
Our Papa?”

“Oh, of course. Now you all set
Your tails down here. In summer, round midnight,
The moon was one full bowl of cream, and light
Spread over all like butter on warm toast–
I was so ravenous, my kittens, most
Of all I heard one ruffian vile mouse
Carousing in the undergrowth.

That louse
Was in my sights, then whoosh, from overhead,
As soft as something from a wedding bed,
A rush of feathers and the sound of wings:
The noise that only massive plumage brings!
From out the sky your father, with a pounce,
And a majestic flurry and a bounce,
Just nabbed that mouse … and I let out a cry
Of famished disappointment.

With a sigh
He landed, and the gentleman he is,
Said “Lovely maiden, pardon me, but is
This mouse sufficient meat to dine upon?”
And left the mouse for me.

I’d no thoughts on
The wise politeness shown by courtly owls:
They’re not a category of the fowls
I’m well acquainted with. With my best thanks
I settled in to dine.

Then, from what ranks
Of rodents he had rattled, one, two, three,
He scooped a few more up for hungry me.
And that, dears’s, when your papa and I met
And how those swift and lofty wings you get.”

And then, in noble poise, she proudly walked
Away. Her happy kit-owls swooped and talked
Of this and that and sundry other things,
And how purrhaps their papa got his wings.

  • Source Katzenworld Welcome to the World of Cats

African bull frog :frog:vs​:lion: Lion #short

How Powerful Are Night Elves? - World of Warcraft Lore

[ @aleksandarvil5718 ]
[ 5 years ago (edited) ]
Always Remember Teldrassil

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Off work for the next 3 weeks. \●/

Now to spend half of it sleeping in.

On a side note, this is so surreal;

Seeing such a large plane do a drop so close to the ground. :astonished:


Enjoy your time off! I still need to wait 2 weeks for my holidays to begin… :eyes:


where are you goin?

hello there and good mornin!


Jumpy Fennec and Playing Tag with the Cat

[ @meowmeowbobo ]

That fennec hopping is adorable!!!

Plan to :slight_smile:

No where really, it’s a “forced” annual leave, got another in October and another at the end of November, that isn’t part of my own 32 days off I can assign for whenever in the year.

Might head down the country though to Wexford.

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Belgium, mainly Bruges and the nearby region!

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I go where nose point :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Can I come too? I am smiten by those pictures and buildings. :smiley:



Time to switch it up and start walking backwards!

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